Chapter 19 The Books

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Demon times are nice

Edd has been sleeping for awhile now. Tord just stayed awake, thinking. Laying on the couch. He spun a pen in his hand as he rested his head on the other. Next time I see you, Tom, I'm going to make you wish you never existed, Tord thought to himself.

Tord then glanced over at the bookshelf, he wondered if he ever got anything related to purgatory stuff. It wasn't impossible, but unlikely. He got up from the couch and went over to see.

Angels, Weaknesses and Strengths? no it probably won't be in there. How To Cook With Hellfire? why do I have this again? Reasons Why You (Probably) Ended Up In Hell? I have a feeling someone gave me that one. Hell Is Better Than Purgatory, Here's Why! No, no... it couldn't possibly- oh wait. That's the one. Tord pulled the book out of the bookshelf and blew off the dust. He then carried it to the couch where he was previously sitting.

He opened the book and started reading.

In this book, I'll explain why Hell is better than purgatory. But first, I'll need to give information on both places. Let's start with the place we are all familiar with, Hell.

Tord skipped a few pages since he didn't need to know more about The Demon World.

Now it's time to talk about Purgatory.
Purgatory is a place where a soul goes when they're not fit for Heaven (aka The Angel World) or Hell (aka The Demon World). Purgatory is different for each soul. Some souls don't know they're dead because how simular it is to their life.
The most common types of souls who go to Purgatory are the ones who are good but do terrible things. Some souls get there by breaking the rules of the mortals.
Example; A mortal cannot know about Angels, Demons, or the existence of an afterlife. Or anything related to it.
The mortal will be punished by going to Purgatory for breaking the rule.

The one of the many things that is bad about Purgatory is how harsh their rules are. Also how easily you can go there by breaking a rule that you didn't know of.
But Purgatory can be forgiving.

If a soul behaves and proves that they're not bad, they can go to Heaven. But if a soul does the opposite, they'll either stay longer or go to Hell. Most of the time they'll just stay longer.
Can you name anyone you know in Hell who's been to Purgatory? I doubt it. It's not a very common thing.

You may ask yourself, "Is there a way to communicate with a soul in Purgatory?".
Well yes, but no.
It's complicated. You have to do their ritual and just hope that it works. Then you have to hope it reaches the right soul.
I'm not going to tell you how to do it because it's against the rules to contact anyone in Purgatory. I'm not in the mood to disappear.

Gee, thanks... Tord quickly scanned the rest of the page to see if the writer mentions how to get contact with purgatory again. He then sighed and closed the book. Somewhat of a failure... but not completely.

Life Before Death (Feathers and Scales prequel) TordEddWhere stories live. Discover now