Chapter 11 Unable To Move On

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The red demon sighed as he went off to sleep. Much like Edd had already done. When your dead you don't need sleep, but it helps pass the time in your eternal afterlife.
He laid down in his bed, turning his head toward his night stand. A minty green feather rested upon it.

The feeling of sadness washed over him like an angry wave of the sea. I have to tell him sooner or later... I can't just keep pretending Green Bird is someone else. Edd is still my Green Bird. Just without the memories. He continued to stare at the feather. Then added onto his thoughts, And without the feelings for me. I should just start over with him. Maybe we can fall in love again...
that's just...
I'm not making him fall in love with me again. That's stupid, Tord. Every time he does, I do something bad.

He turned away from the feather, looking at the blank wall in front of him.
Is it even possible to recover what he had?

The next "day"

Tord woke up, got out of his room, and discovered that Edd was still asleep in the other room. With extra time on his hands, he left the house to go somewhere.

The demon exited the Demon World and entered the Mortal World. He was in the forest that he used to love to go to so much. He wasn't too sure about that anymore.

"Tord?" Someone said behind him, Tord spun around to be face to face with Matt.

"Hey, Matt" Tord greeted calmly.

"What are you doing here so early in the morning?" Matt asked, crossing his arms.

Tord mirrored Matt's pose, "I could ask the same to you!"

Matt frowned, "I asked you first, demon. I hope you didn't ditch Edd"

"W-what?! I would never! How dare yo-" Tord cut himself off, his horns were showing a tiny bit, he took a breath and rephrased his sentence. "Why would you assume that?"

"You never are out this early. You're always helping Edd. Who you never let me see!" Matt seemed a bit annoyed.

Tord tried not to show his annoyance like Matt. He tried to be the calm one, which he never was ever until now. "Edd was sleeping and I had some time to myself. Also the reason you don't get to see Edd is that he's a demon now. He can't be near you, you're an angel-"

Matt snapped, interrupting Tord, "Hypocrite!" He yelled, "That never stopped you from being around Edd! That didn't stop him from being around you! And you never stopped him! You..." Matt paused for a moment. "You let him make a deal with you... over a stupid thing..."

Tord then quietly said, "I didn't want to be caught hurting a mortal... so..." The demon looked down, feeling guilt. He was selfish. "We made a deal. He stayed with me for a week and I wouldn't hurt anyone. When the week was done... we would act we never met" He explained to Matt. Matt still wasn't pleased.

"I wish it ended that way..." The purple angel mumbled.

Tord heard it, "Excuse me?"

"You heard me. I wish it ended that way!"

"You just want Edd to yourself, you never liked me. Is it because I took Edd away?" Tord was obviously loosing his cool.

"You're the one who turned him into a demon, ye-"

"I meant when we were mortals, Matt" Tord stated.

The angel took a tiny step back. "O-of course not..." He looked down, he was lying.

"I know you do! Just admit it! You hate me because you think that if he was there, you wouldn't have died" Tord stepped closer to Matt, his horns more visible now. Tord was connecting the dots. Matt told his side of the story, that's how Tord knows what Edd was doing when he wasn't there. Matt always seemed to hate Tord even before they met in the afterlife.

Life Before Death (Feathers and Scales prequel) TordEddWhere stories live. Discover now