Chapter 17 Not Coming Back

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After a week or so, Edd finally packed Matt's stuff to be sent to Matt's family.
Edd cleared Matt's room of everything that belonged to him.
Since he wouldn't be using it anymore.

Edd tried not to cry while cleaning the room, but he failed miserably.

After it was all done, and so many tears were shed, he closed the door to the now empty room. Hoping to never go in there again.

He walked to the living room, and found his phone on the table. He had new messages from Tord.

Hey, wanna come hang out? It's been awhile. Plus it might get your mind off of things?
Tord's message read.
There was a second one that came shortly after the first,
Or not. That's ok too. Take your time

Edd typed back, I just want to be alone right now. Thanks for the offer, though

A response quickly came in, That's completely understandable. If you ever change your mind I'm right here

Edd then sat the phone back on the table facedown. He laid back on the couch and thought to himself, What am I going to do now?

Best time for Demon Time

"Matt, are you dead?" Edd asked as the group walked into the forest.

"Uh, yeah?" Matt replied.

"Huh. Well that's good- I mean- it isn't good! I- or-... I meant to say that it's good that you're also dead because if you were a mortal this would've been a weird conversation..." Edd said, embarrassed. "Sorry, I can't speak apparently. hah..."

Matt chuckled "It's fine. I knew what you meant"

Tord walked a little bit behind the both of them, just listening to their conversation. He's barely spoken since they bumped into Matt on the street. Tord was mostly confused why Edd remembers bits of Matt but not him. Am I just not that important to Edd's memories? No, that's silly. He... He then slowed down his pace and looked ahead at Matt and Edd. He loved me... didn't he?

After a long while they stopped at a small lake. At this point it was well into the night. The light from the stars and the moon made the lake sparkle and shine as if it was magical.

Matt asked Edd, "Is there moments that you remember?"

Edd thought for a few moments "Only a few conversations and stuff like that. I can't remember most details"

"Well, at least it's something" Matt smiled.

Edd returned the smile. Tord did the opposite. But no one noticed Tord's obvious jealousy, Tord himself didn't even notice.

Dead grass was already surrounding Tord, but soon even more grass started dying even if it was well away from him. He looked down and saw all the grass he killed, which reminded him that Edd still hasn't killed anything that's around him.

Tord once again looked up ahead to Edd and Matt and saw Edd crouching by the water. Tord crossed his arms and went up behind Matt.


"What?" Matt answered, turning around to him.

"Can we talk?" Tord asked.

Matt looked down at Edd for a moment then back at Tord "Sure... Edd, Tord and I are gonna go over here for a few. You can continue touching the water if you want"

Edd just responded, "mhmm" as he dipped his hand into the running water. He was pretty amazed because this is his first time touching water ever since he turned into a demon.

Life Before Death (Feathers and Scales prequel) TordEddWhere stories live. Discover now