Chapter 8 Work

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Tord flew back to the demon world, and headed back to the house.

"Edd?" Tord walked in but there wasn't a response. "Feather Wings? Sorry I headed off so quickly... I..." He tried thinking of an excuse but to no prevail.

The ex angel came put from around the corner of the kitchen. "It's okay, Tord" He made a small smile. It didn't seem too real, though. But Tord just ignored it.

"...How about we continue that story?"  Tord said sitting on the couch and looking back at Edd.

"U-uh... but-... you said-" Edd was about to reject, but Tord interrupted.

"I don't care what I said now. You want to hear the end, don't you?" The red demon gave a reassuring smile.

Edd stayed silent for a moment, then slowly nodded and walked to the couch. He then sat down. "What happens next, Tord?" 

Edd was at work, checking on the kittens. "You're all so cute!" He said to himself. One kitten, which seemed to like Edd, was grey with black stripes. Everyone calls him Ringo (Some people say that Ringo is a girl, while others disagree, I'm just going to say him for now. If I'm wrong I'm sorry).

Edd fed the kittens and went off to the other animals.

Tord "found" some money (or should I say stole?) and entered the laundry place. He put the money in the washing machine and cleaned what he could. Once he was finished, he walked out and pit his jacket back on.

While walking out, the store close by caught his attention. Oh, it's that PetCare place Tord thought to himself as he looked in. He noticed all the pet stuff (duh) inside, and even seen some animals in there too. Deciding that animals are cute, he went inside.

Edd was feeding the fish in the back when Tord walked in. So he didn't notice that Tord was there, neither did Tord know Edd worked here.

"Don't worry, Nemo, you'll get fed too" Edd said to a small clown fish, that very much looked like Nemo.

Tord walked around, sort of more focused with the animals with anything else. He then spotted a kitten on the other side of the glass. It was of course, Ringo. "Hey there, buddy" He said to the kitten, knowing the kitten probably didn't hear him. He continued down the store, heading toward the reptiles. Which were next to the fish area.

Edd finished feeding all the fish and grabbed the food for the reptiles. Heading off to the reptile section. When he entered, he saw Tord. Man, the world really wants me to talk to this guy, huh? He thought to himself. Edd walked toward him, Tord didn't seem to notice. He was too busy looking at a lizard.

"Hey, horn hair" Edd said suddenly, making Tord jump and turn around to face Edd.

"Oh! Edd..." Tord paused, "You startled me"

"Heh, sorry" Edd apologized with a smile on his face. He then started to walk down the end of the hall, Tord followed.

"So... this is where you work?" Tord asked, looking at the snakes and lizards as they passed by.

Edd nodded, "Yup!" They made it to the end of the hall. Edd opened the first cage, which had a big snake in it, and fed it a dead mouse. He closed it, and did the same with a couple others. Feeding each one with what it needed.

Tord didn't know what to say next. He felt like he should say something, but didn't know what to say. Good thing Edd did that first, "So... enjoying your stay here?"

"Uh, y-yeah...sorta" Tord replied. He didn't really like it here, it's just another place. Another town he'll probably ruin and run away from. Like the last one. But at least someone actually wants to talk to him, and it's not about going to jail.

"Sorta? What, don't like me?" Said Edd sarcastically.

"Wh-what? No, I-" Tord realized Edd what just teasing. "You're being sarcastic... right..." He sighed, he fell for it.

Edd giggled, "Come on, I know you love me"

Tord then answered, "Oh, okay" looking over at a snake. Then his mind went places. WAIT WHAT- Tord glanced back at Edd, who was also looking at him. Tord looked back at the reptiles. He means... as a friend. Hah! Silly Tord... you're not gay. Neither is Edd! I don't think... Tord was left in his thoughts and zoned out. Plus you don't like Edd, Tord. You just want to be friends! Not gay. Remember the hentai? Yeah, only a weird straight dude would look at anime girls like that.

Edd sat there confused, Tord became really flustered for no reason. It's sort of cute when he's flustered... Edd instantly got embarrassed by what he thought. What did I just say?
He then tried to take his mind of off what he thought by continuing feeding the reptiles.

"Nah, I hate you. One hundred percent" Tord said sarcastically in response. Hoping his pause wasn't oddly long. It was.

Edd smirked "Oh really?"

"Yup! It's true" Tord crossed his arms slightly smiling.

"Then why do you talk to me everyday? Why did you stay with me last night? Why did-" Edd said listing things off, but Tord cut him off before he could keep going.

"Alright, I get it. We see each other too much"

Edd then mumbled, "Not that much..."

Tord tilted his head and looked straight at Edd "What was that?" He asked.

"Oh, nothing!" 

After awhile, Edd finished feeding the reptiles. While he was doing that, himself and Tord talked.

"So, doing anything later today?" Edd asked, heading to the front of the store. Tord walked next to him.

"Uh, no. Why do you ask?"

"I was thinking..." Edd paused for a moment. "We could hang out after I'm finished with work"

"Oh... yeah. Sure!" Tord agreed, not really thinking it through.

"Then it's settled. Meet at the park? Same place last night?"

"Okay. I'll see you there" Tord then walked out of the store with a smile.

Life Before Death (Feathers and Scales prequel) TordEddWhere stories live. Discover now