Chapter 12 Movie

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Back to the past

Edd sat in the waiting room of the hospital. It was worse than they thought. All that Edd knew was that Matt was almost starving. Turns out he never really ate that much while Edd wasn't there to force him to. Even when he did eat, he'd just throw it back up again. Sometimes he'd throw up his own stomach acid.

Maybe it's just a stomach bug... Edd tried to make himself feel a tiny bit better He'll feel better soon. But... Edd got out his phone and went through his contacts. Isn't that what I thought a week ago?
Edd had Tord's phone number, since they gave their numbers to each other before he left. He decided to text him, he needed someone to talk to.

Hey, Tord
Edd expected to wait a few minutes for a reply but almost immediately he got a response.

Hi, Edd! What's up?

Edd decided to tell Tord about the situation,
I'm at the hospital. I had to take my roommate in, Matt, because he's been sick for quite a while

Tord took a few moments to write something out.
Darn. Do you know what he has?

No clue
Edd simply responded.

Well, I hope he feels better

Me too
Edd couldn't help but feel sad. He didn't want to show it, though. He started having a constant worry of what might happen to his friend.

"Edd Gold?" (I didn't want to use the his real name) A doctor called out. Edd quickly went over to him.


"Just to let you know that Matt is okay" The doctor informed. Edd sighed with relief.

"But what? What's wrong?"

"He's going to have to stay here for awhile. He was practically starving himself. We need to get him stable and get some nutrients in him before he can leave"

Edd looked down, feeling down. Understandable due to the situation. "Yeah, that makes sense. Can I still visit him?"

"You'll have to wait 'till tomorrow, sorry"

"That's alright. I'll just come back tomorrow"

So, Edd left and walked home alone. Once he entered his place, it felt a little more empty.
No Matt.
Well, it isn't that bad. Is it? He thought to himself. I could always just talk to Tord
Edd looked down at his phone, wondering what to do next. Plus I'll see Matt tomorrow, it isn't that much of a wait

He plopped down onto the couch and turned on the TV, nothing was really on.
Return Of The Insane Zombie Pirates From Hell 4? What a title Edd thought to himself as he saw it was coming on. Edd's phone buzzed, he looked at the notification. I was a text from Tord.

Got to see Matt yet?
He asked

No, I'll have to wait 'till tomorrow
Edd responded

Tord obviously had no clue what to respond with.

You know, you can come over if you want. I could go over and lead the way or something
Edd sighed, "That was a weird way of phrasing it"

If you don't mind, sure
Tord responded.

Edd smiled to himself, it would be fun to have Tord over, wouldn't it? Plus it'd be better to be here than in that rubbish apartment... or hotel thing

Life Before Death (Feathers and Scales prequel) TordEddWhere stories live. Discover now