Chapter 20 A Visit

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There's only one way to contact a soul that's in Purgatory.

It's to go to them temporarily.

Now, the thing with Purgatory is that certain parts of that world is for a specific soul. You're not supposed to be there. If you stay too long, your soul will start to disappear. Get your business done, then get the hell out.

Don't let the soul you're visiting grab you while you leave. There's a small delay between you saying the spell to leave, and actually going. That soul will teleport with you, and things won't end well. 

Once the portal opens, quickly hop in. It will go away if you're not quick enough. To leave, just say; Vende hjem.

Tord took a deep breath as he got ready to do the ritual. He only had some of his ritual chalk left. He only had one chance to face Tom.

He began to wonder, why am I doing this?

He paused his reading and looked at the chalk in his hand. I need to talk to Tom... I need to figure out what he did to Edd. Tord answered himself.

Then suddenly, he started to doubt that he needed to do this. There was no need to do this, he just wanted to.

He ignored his doubts and continued reading the book's instructions.

He made a traditional pentagram, lit three and placed them on the top, middle, and bottom. 

"Once done those previous things, say this sentence but fill in the blanks to fit traits of the soul you wish to see. Include the rule the soul broke to end up in Purgatory. Say in Norwegian, speak clearly" Tord read to himself out loud. He then commented, "Norwegian? Heh, lucky for me"

Tord placed the book on the table and stood at the pentagram. He cleared his throat before saying, "Tillat meg å møte sjelen som prøvde å bruke en demons makt mens det var dødelig. Mislyktes å hevne sin bror, hatet meg mest. Tillat meg å se den sjelen" (sorry if it doesn't translate right)

The pentagram starts to glow, and a portal appears, it looks like a rip in reality. Tord jumped into the glowing portal and hoped for the best. 

The red demon was met with a building, standing in front of him. "Oh no... not this place..." He said with dread as he looked up at the bank. He glanced around, hoping to see something else.

But there was nothing but darkness.

Somehow, though, the bank seemed to be bright as if a non existent sun was shining down at it.

Tord had no choice but to enter the building. He slowly climbed up the stairs as he stared at his biggest regret. He made it to the double doors and gently opened one.

The first thing he hears is someone crying. It sounded terrible. Like the person was holding it in for so long and they finally burst. They weren't trying to hide it anymore, it was genuine loud crying. Tord knew who it was, and immediately felt horrible. 

Tord looked at the figure on the floor, he seemed to be holding a body. It looked as if he let go of that tiny body, it would disappear forever.

Tord was filled with regret.

He built up his courage, and said, "...Tom..?"

Tom suddenly stopped his crying. He looked up at the demon in disbelief. "I know you're not real... so please..." He looked down at the body in his arms, his brother, then continued, "l-leave me alone..." Tears threatened to fall once more. 

"No... I'm- I'm real. I'm actually here, Tom" Tord tried to convince Tom. He assumed Tom might've seen him before in Purgatory. The demon slowly started stepping toward Tom.

"...Why are you here..? You've already taken everything away from me" Tom asked. He didn't bother to look up at the demon. "My life, my friend... and... m-my brother. What else could you possibly want?"

Tord took a deep breath and explained, "I came because... Edd's transformation from angel to demon messed up. I suspected... you might be the reason-"

Tom looked back up at Tord "Why... why would I do that?"

Tord was somewhat shocked by Tom's question. "Wait... you didn't do it..?"

"No... I don't hate Edd... I only hate you. I wouldn't... hurt him to get back at you" Tom explained, he sounded like he's still recovering from his crying.

"Then... what could've happened to him?" Tord said to himself, not expecting Tom to reply. "Did you try to escape Purgatory, Tom?" The demon asked.

Tom hesitated before saying, "Yes... but... something got in my way and..." He slightly pushed the fake version of his brother aside, to reveal a big, black, hole in Tom's lower stomach area. Some more tiny versions of those holes were dotted around his leg area.

Tord was taken aback, he hasn't ever seen a soul damaged like this. Actually, he never seen a soul damaged period. "Your soul... it's..."

"it's dying... or- I'm dying, again. I think..." Tom chuckled to himself "I mean, it's not like I don't deserve it... I tried to leave and this is my punishment. And the reason I'm even here in the first place is because..." He paused for a moment. Tord was expecting for Tom to blame him for everything. "I was blinded by hate and grief. I tried getting back at you when you didn't even remember who I was or why I hated you"

Tord then protested, "But just because I didn't remember doing it, doesn't mean I don't deserve blame! Once I remembered what I've done to you, and actually sat down and thought about it, I felt like a horrible being. I'm the one who should be here, not you, Tom. I'm sorry..."

Tom then commented, "Tord... you're not the person who killed my brother anymore..." He paused for a moment "...You're totally different person. The criminal back then wouldn't have said sorry..."

Something then finally clicked in the demon's head. He should stop blaming himself for things he doesn't have control over anymore. When he was alive, he was a different person. He isn't the person who would kill someone without a care. His mortal self was.

"...Thank you, Tom... I... I really needed to hear that"

Tom gave a tiny smile. Suddenly, the bank and Tom's brother faded away. All was left was the darkness.

Then, Tord felt a horrible pain in his head. He grasped his hair in pain and groaned.

"Tord? You okay?" Tom asked.

"I... I need to go..." Tord answered.

Tom then said, "Well... goodbye, Tord. And good luck"

The demon was slightly confused why he needed good luck but didn't think much of it. "Bye, Tom... I hope you'll leave as an angel" Tord said the magic words and disappeared.

Tom smiled to himself, as he laid down on his back. "If I ever leave..." He closed his void eyes as more of his soul started crippling away.

Tord returned to his home, standing on the pentagram. The candles went out, and the chalk slowly started disappearing.

The demon stood there for a moment, thinking. He finally grabbed all his courage and decided he needed to tell Edd about who Green Bird was. He can't keep this a secret forever.

He walked toward Edd's room and said, "Edd? You in here?" He opened the door to find no one there. Tord glanced around the room to find a note on the bed. The demon's anxiety shot through the roof.

He quickly snatched the note and read it.

Since you didn't want to take that ex-angel's soul, I'll take it for myself. If you want to join me, you know where to go.


Life Before Death (Feathers and Scales prequel) TordEddWhere stories live. Discover now