Chapter 16 The Discovery

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Edd woke up, laying on his bed still wearing his green sweater. He tried to remember what happened at the end of the night after his and Tord's date, but his memory decided to be faulty today. All he remembered was getting home with Tord since he didn't want to leave him in that terrible run-down place.

Edd sat up, and stretched. He then remembered Tord zoinked out on the couch, and since he didn't hear anything from the living room, he could only assume he wasn't up yet or he already left. Edd sighed as his job came to mind, as much as he enjoyed it he wished he could just skip today. Wasn't really up for it. But what can you do? It's your job. Edd then proceed to get into his work clothes.

Once he was all ready for the day, he exited his room and went down the mini hallway.
In the living room, on the couch, as Edd had suspected, laid a sleeping Tord.
A comfy blanket covered all of the horned boy's body, leaving the head to poke out.
Edd had to EDDmit, Tord did look really peaceful sleeping. He just couldn't bring himself to wake Tord up.

Edd stopped staring at Tord like a weirdo and started making himself cereal, as quickly as he could. He quickly ate the cereal, and looked over at Tord before leaving.
Maybe I should leave him a note? I mean, it'd be the most logical thing to do... or I could just wake him up like a normal person. He thought to himself. Edd walked back over to the couch to wake Tord up, but before he could, he couldn't help but feel a tiny bit bad.

You've done this before, Edd. What's wrong now? He stared down at the sleeping figure, then realized something, he looks like a cute little burrito...

very descriptive, Edd He thought to himself

He finally managed to shake Tord awake. Tord groaned sleepily, his eyes slowly opened.

"Hey, Edd..." He said in a raspy voice. Tord then proceeded to sit up and stretch.

"Good morning, neko" Edd greeted.

Tord noticed that Edd was in his work clothes and commented, "Going to work, huh? Well, I'll get going also..."

"Are you sure? I mean, you could stay here if you like. I just feel bad that you don't exactly live anywhere..."

Tord then gave a reassuring smile "It's okay. I'll figure something out"

"Alright, whatever you say" Edd said, walking away from the couch. "Do you want to have some breakfast before you leave?"

Tord got up from the couch and shook his head "No, it's fine. I'm not that hungry" Tord and Edd then went toward the door and they both left. They had a little conversation before going in different directions.

Demon time

Tord and Edd played in the arcade for a few hours.
Edd thought to himself, Tord was right, it is fun in here!

After they were done, they walked out and were greeted with the sun almost setting.
Tord started thinking about how him and Green Bird went into the arcade. Maybe that's why he went there with Edd. So that there might have been a possibility he would've remembered something. Anything.
But he didn't.

Tord and Edd started walking down the street, talking about the games they were just playing. Tord looked up ahead the street and saw

Why is Matt here? What is he doing?

"Tord? Are you okay?" Edd asked.

Tord snapped out of his thought, but he still looked surprised "Uh... yeah, Feathers... I'm..." He paused for a moment "fine" He calmed down now.

Life Before Death (Feathers and Scales prequel) TordEddWhere stories live. Discover now