Chapter 6 Mornings Suck

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Once Edd got home, it was 12:20. Matt sat in the living room couch, the TV was one also. He spun his head in Edd's direction. "Hey, Edd"

"Hey Matt..." He then sat down next to Matt. A movie was playing. Edd disliked it, it was one of those stupid movies that are so ridiculous they make you laugh. It was called, 'I Still Hate You'
I still hate you, movie Edd thought to himself.

"I know you hate this movie, that's why I put it on" Matt smiled deviously.

Edd groaned, "It's so cliché! Also very predictable. Just to point out, they never finished the series even though they had more than enough money to be able to! Just a lazy director..."

Matt looked at the TV "The director said they'd finish the last chapter soon, though"

"Like that'll ever happen..."

"You're just mad that Tiffany ended up with Tina and not Eve" Matt said, knowing Edd used to like the series before that happened.

Edd mumbled, "Tiffany and Eve are better together..." He crossed his arms. He once again mumbled, "Tiffany and Tina didn't even like each other and NOW THEY DO ALL OF A SUDDEN? WHO DOES THAT?!" He accidentally yelled out the last part.

"See? You're mad"

"I'm not mad..."

Matt rolled his eyes, "Whatever, this is the first movie so you don't have to get mad about Tiffany's and Tina's relationship"

The character, Tiffany, then spoke "Missed me, good friends?"

Eve beamed, "Tiffany!" She hugged her friend. "It's so good to see you again!"

Tina sighed, "Whatever"

Edd then pointed to the characters, "SEE?!"

Matt 'shhed' him and continued watching the movie. Edd sighed said, "I'm going to bed. Work in the morning" He stood back up.

Matt looked at him, "You're going to be really tried..."

"I know, goodnight. Don't stay up late"


The next morning

The ring tone of Edd's phone started, well, ringing. He fluttered his eyes open, turning it off and checking the time in the process. 8:00 am... that's good. An hour for me to get ready Edd said in his head.

Edd got ready as he put on his work shirt that had his name tag already on it. He worked at a place called PetCare. It's exactly what you think, probably. It's basically where people get things for pets or even adopt one. Edd enjoys animals, so why not?

"Matt was right... I am pretty tired" Edd yawned as he exited his room. He soon went to the kitchen and decided to make breakfast for him and Matt.

"Ughh..." Tord groaned as he awoke from his slumber. He soon realized he was still in the forest. "Shh...- shoot" He sat up with a pain in his back, he was sleeping on a tree's root poking out from the ground. Tord rubbed his eye, still feeling very tired. At least I talked to Edd a little more... but was it really worth it? I mean, did I REALLY have to trade a good night's sleep just for him? He thought for a moment. Yes Tord realized what he said and shook his head I mean no! Or... maybe?

Tord got up from his spot and dusted himself off, but he was still quite dirty. "Might as well live in the dump, Tord" He said to himself. He sighed, I think I saw a laundry place somewhere in town. I think it was a few blocks away from that PetCare place "But I don't have any money..." Tord said to himself out loud again. He tends to think to himself then say something out loud for no reason. Maybe he's just lonely.

Tord thought over multiple options. I could ask Pau and Pat for money... but that would be a scumbag-y thing to do, wouldn't it? "Or, I could steal some!" But do I really want to go back to crime? "But I can't go wondering around with dirty clothes!" Tord accidentally yelled out. Doubt it would matter, no one was really there. I could just get a job, you know, like a normal person Tord sighed, "But what if someone realizes who I am? Off to prison with me!"

Tord started walking out of the forest, trying to fix his hair into it's horny glory. A few sticks fell out in the process. Jobs are too risky, I don't want to be a jerk to Pau and Pat so, stealing it is Tord walked down the street, searching for the 'Landry Place'.


Edd was making some eggs and bacon. But a little too much bacon. Actually, way too much.
Edd really likes bacon. Maybe even as much as cola and that's saying something.
In the middle of making more bacon, Edd hears Matt's footsteps.

"Morning, Matt"

"Morning... Edd" Matt's face didn't look so good, he looked really tried. Maybe even a little bit pale.

Edd then turned away from his bacon for a moment, and noticed how Matt looked. "Are you okay? You look really..." He didn't want to say horrible but that's what he looked like.

"I... I feel really sick" Matt replied, sitting on the couch.

Edd was silent for a moment, then said, "Maybe some breakfast will make you feel better!" He then grabbed a plate and fork for Matt and gave him some eggs and bacon.

"Thanks..." Matt said, biting into a piece of bacon. Slowly.

The cola lover went back to get some of his own breakfast. He started feeling concerned about Matt. It might be getting worse. Edd got some of the food, and sat next to Matt.

"Do you want to go to the doctor's? Maybe they'll help you get over this..." Edd hesitated "...sickness" He started eating his bacon, since he has to go soon.

Matt was barely eating his food, "I don't know... I'm not sure if this is serious enough-"

"But Matt! This has gone on for so long! It's a little concerning..."

Matt didn't seem convinced. "I just don't want the hospital bills to be too much... you're the only one going to work ever since I caught this. I don't think... with the money we have... it'll be enough"

Edd had a saddened look on his face. "Listen, I don't care if it costs me all I have... I just want you to get better. Okay?"

"O-okay..." Matt looked down at his plate. He didn't take a bite since that first piece of bacon. "If I don't feel better by the time you get home... we can go to the hospital"

That made Edd feel a little better. "Alright" He sighed, "Now eat, it's better to get something into you than nothing. Even if it does come back up again..."

They continued to eat in silence, Edd soon finished and said goodbye to Matt. He then made his way to work.

While walking to work, Edd spotted Tord across the street. Funny we keep seeing each other, it's almost like fate! "Hey! Tord!" Edd yelled out. Tord turned around and waved. Edd made his way over to him.

"Funny we see each other everyday, huh?"

"Y-yeah... talk about fate! Or... something like that..." Tord said, feeling a bit awkward from last night.

Edd yelled out, "That's what I thought!" He then quickly added, more quietly this time, "I... didn't mean to yell that loud. Heh..."

Tord chuckled, "It's okay"

Edd noticed that Tord was sort of dirty, and asked, "What happened to you?"

Tord got a bit embarrassed and rubbed the back of his neck "It's sort of... fell asleep at that spot in the forest last night. The place where we were hanging out..." Ugh, this feels so weird talking about it to him Tord thought to himself.

Edd laughed, "How did that go?"

"Well, wasn't too fun waking up, I'll tell you that" Tord sighed. He looked at Edd's uniform and name tag. "And I can only guess that you have a job to get to"

"Oh! That reminds me!" Edd quickly checked the time, 8:54 am! "Uh, I have to go! Or I'll be late for work... I'm sure I'll see you later!" He ran off, there wasn't much time for Tord to say goodbye.

Life Before Death (Feathers and Scales prequel) TordEddWhere stories live. Discover now