Chapter XI

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Jannie's POV

The last thing I know, I was undressing and suddenly someone came in...

I was about to tell my maid to get out but... here I am meeting with Jungkook's eyes.

His eyes hold much more to them...

A certain darkness took all over them as he eyes me up an down like a wolf on it's prey.

I am literally shook to even move but I know this is bad and I snap out of it.

I grab the closest thing to me, which was a blanket, and covered my self as I was only in my underwear.

"What are you doing here get out!"

I try being tough about this but his stare on me makes me want to run the heck outta here but he's blocking my way and if I ran that would mean my pride would shred into pieces...

He started coming closer to me.

"Don't tell me what to do."

I started walking backwards and hope I would find away out of this hell but he only kept coming toward me and this continued until my back hit a wall.

I kept trying to escape as if the wall was going to disappear but no.

But I can't help feeling like I'm going to faint from the closeness.

"You should have been careful with me being here brat." he says in a tone that made me scared or nervous I don't know... but, I've never seen so much blackness in ones eyes.

It's almost alluring.

"Jungkook. Get off me or els-" I try shooing him away for the second time only to get cut off.

"Or else what?"

"You have no power over me." 

I wish this jerk would just fuck the heck off.

"You sure about that?"

He takes the blanket I was keeping wrapped around me with my arms forcefully.

This is getting so dangerous and I don't know what to do to stop it.

He starts getting really close to my neck to the point where I can feel his hot breath on my skin.

I feel him taking in my smell... not creepy at all.


I try pushing him with my hands against his chest but I feel so powerless against him.

He grabbed both of my wrists in his hand pinning them above me and bringing his lips nearer and nearer...

I could scream right now, but for some reason I don't want it to stop... but I also want it to stop.

I should definitely scream.

Just as his lips were about to touch mine I take a deep breath to scream when suddenly...



Me and Jungkook can hear his steps as he was comming.

Jungkook lets go.

He glares at me, which is sending shivers down my spine, but I can't really let that show...

"I'll deal with you later."

And he goes off to the balcony- is he about to jump?!

It's high this idiot wants to die?

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