Chapter XXVII

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Narrator's P.O.V

All the weapons in the room, flew towards them like weightless birds in the sky, as they all bent down in lightning speed to dodge them. This was only the first heartwarming greeting from the devil king himself.

His evil couldn't just be seen... it could even be felt. He hid all the terror, behind his pearly white, sharp teeth that he licked from time to time, while grinning terrifyingly as everyone glared at his highness, trying to predict his next moves. They all stood on their feet tensely, ready to take any action.

"Why so tense? You're all scared?! HAHAHAH!" he laughed maniacally and he suddenly stopped, giving everyone the scariest glare they've seen. He suddenly punched the ground with all power, faster than their eyes could really catch, the inhumane impact making a big crack on the ground, as they all flew into the air slamming into the dark walls of what looked like a hall. They all hissed in pain and anger, as they fell on all fourths.

They were already so powerless in front of him, and it made shivers run down Jannie's spine. He was really capable of destroying them, yet he liked messing with them before really destroying them. Jungkook raised his head up fast, looking at the weak Jannie who was under his father's claws, and he got filled with rage. "NO ONE'S SCARED OF YOU! PATHETIC CHUNK OF FIRE!" he yelled so hard, his voice still waltzed around them, even after he just yelled.

"Chunk of fire?! HAH! What do you think you're made of, trash bag?! How dare you defy your father!?!" he yelled back making an axe flow toward Jungkook's direction, making a 'slight' cut in his arm. Jannie winced in pain, seeing Jungkook get hurt, feeling more pain than him.

She grew enraged too, her eyes glitching like they always did, when she lost complete utter control of her actions and reasoning, as she grabbed the nearest item and slamming it into his head. "Jannie no-!" Yoongi tried tell her to stay there as she was the nearest to him and it was dangerous to do what she did, but before he could stop her she actually hit him, taking him by surprise and making him collapse into the ground holding his head.

Before he could attack Jannie, Taehyung went to her and dragged her away, only to have both paralyzed and risen up in the air by Jungkook's father.

"I thought you were smarter than that, Taehyung." He said now really really angry, as they all got ready to jump into action, to get lifted up by him too. All in the air breathless. "I thought you came more prepared," the devil king said, stopping to sigh for a bit, and then continued."but you're the saddest bunch I've ever met." He slammed them to the wall again, and the power of the hit made cracks into the wall, and caused pain to all of them.

He lifted Jannie up finally, glaring with his furious red orbs, "I'll have fun with you later." As he tied her up in unbreakable chains. He had to get over with all of them to get to Jannie.
"Hmmm who do I begin with? Oh look at you... Min Jaehyun. Oh how I wish your brother would be here! I would've had double the fun!" He said to him.
"He's not my brother anymore. He never acted like a brother to me anyways." " HAHA! Funny of you! And who might that be? Yoongi and his minions? I could kill them in a snap for crying out loud!" He said talking them down.

Yoongi muttered out a curse at him even though he knew he could ve heard. "WE'RE NOT HIS FUCKING MINIONS! STOP ENRAGING MW LONGER YOU PIECE OF CRAP!" Jimin yelled.

The thing about him, was that he had too little body space so the rage build up inside faster in him. Once it blew, it blew. Out of all them transformed, he had turned into the scariest monster.

His claws black and sharp, body even paler than before, golden eyes that could pierce into your soul and veins popping out in anger.

He flew to him so fast, and he was straddling him, burying his nails deep into his skin and ripping it off making the devil king snap and grabbing his neck with both of his hands making him almost go blue.

Until suddenly a sharp sound of a knife being buried into someone cut the fight leaving everyone with their jaws down to the ground.

Jannie had freed herself off the chains with Hoseok's help and she picked a sword off the ground and slid it right through him. She stabbed the devil king.

For a moment they all stopped and he plopped to the ground his eyes turning white. The sight making Jimin almost throw up as Jin quickly grabbed him from the arm and teleported himself and him away from the sight.

Yoongi quickly went up to Jannie and took her in his arms. Jungkook and Taehyung looked at each other then at their father on the ground as they nodded to each other, communicating with their eyes only. "Yoongi, take Jannie and your uncle away. Me and Taehyung will take care of him." Jungkook said, looking at Jannie with his beautiful blue eyes, not breaking eye contact with her. He stared at her, looking at all her facial features, drawing her in his memory.

They looked at each other one more time and Yoongi fled away with her and Jaehyun, then Hoseok joined them also. In the hall like room, where the throne stood tall, there was only Jungkook , Taehyung and their father.

The father who never showed love to them, the father who never treated them like his own children, the father that made them hate each other. The father who only held this title, but never acted accordingly to this title. They were not only eager, but much more, wanting to destroy him.

Jungkook took the golden chains that would paralyze him, and tied him up with that leaving him powerless, as he started waking up, a cloud of fog over his head, yet to gain unconsciousness.

Jungkook and Taehyung were at the end of the stairs, staring up to their father, tied up on the throne. The king saw the situation he was in, and laughed again. They both glared at him, remembering the sight of him, torturing their mother. They remembered their shattered childhood, leaving no mercy in them.

The devil king only smiled. "Aww... My cute little boys." said him, in a seemingly sweet tone, but they knew what hid behind that tone. "Jungkook dearest, and Taehyung a bit less dear than Jungkook. So childish... Just give up. " He said his sick smile turning into a serious frown.

They clenched their fists in anger. "You're gonna get destroyed FATHER. Stop raging us more than we already are!" Jungkook yelled. "You? " he laughed. "You? Destroy someone? I know you, son... You can't hurt anyone, just like your pathetic mother." he said and Jungkook ran up the stairs and wrapped his strong hands around his throat, making him choke on his words. The vampire king's eyes, suddenly imitated Jungkook's eye color, and Jungkook let go of him, staring at him.

"Don't you want to be powerful and indomitable? You want the throne don't you?" he said in a honey sweet tone. "Jungkook don't listen to him!" Taehyung yelled with his dark voice. "I've always loved you Jungkook... only you can take my place. So just free me up from these chains, and all my power will become yours."

"JUNGKOOK NO!" Taehyung yelled to snap Jungkook out of it, as he was lifting the chains off their father's chest. Suddenly, a splashing sound got heard, as Taehyung widened his eyes. Jungkook had slid his hand through his father's chest, as he squeezed his second heart into his hand and suddenly a light blew out making both Taehyung and Jungkook fly to the end of the hall.

When once Jungkook's father sat, there were nothing but ashes, and Jungkook was covered in their fathers blood. The others saw the light blow out the windows, as they quickly came back to see if everything was alright. They only saw a bloody Jungkook and the ashes of the deceased king.

Jannie ran up to Jungkook and hugged him tight. They felt bad for feeling happy for someone's death, but they did feel happy. The blood was slowly turning black, and into dust. Jungkook kissed her temples as they all got up, and looked at each other with puzzled feelings, but relieved anyways.

"We can't lose time. I have the knife. Let's go into the other realm." Yoongi claimed quickly. They all agreed and stung their finger into the sword, and dropped their blood on a pot, that was being used as a decoration.

They said their vows and a silver gate appeared in front of them, as they opened it, all they was was a black void in front of them, as they interlocked their fingers and disappeared into the big pool of blackness...

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