Chapter XII

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Jannie's pov

Almost a week has passed since uncle Seohyun's birthday.

I'm stressing out already.

My birthday is the day after tomorrow.

I'm nervous.

These days were so shitty I could write a total novel about the misery I've been and am on.

First, my mind keeps flooding with memories, second Jungkook and third are the blackouts.

Yeah, the blackouts.

They have been more vivid and painful than ever and whenever I reach to Jin for help, he keeps trying to escape me.

The only thing he says is 'Just wait until your birthday honey. I swear it will all pass.'

Even my uncle's have been avoiding me.

They are strangely often together, which is something that didn't happen as uncle Jaehyun claimed that his hyung is 'no fun'.

They are always discussing something and whenever I enter the room they just stop as if they were actually talking about me.

It's nerve wracking and I totally dislike it, and I can't say anything about it either.

These days totally sucked the life out of me.

And Jungkook.

He is the main reason I feel like death.


I should not care about the jerk that all he wants is to hurt me and see me in pain, but after what happened that night, I can't help it.

He frustrates me to death.

He makes me question my sanity.

I keep seeing him.

I see him in the mirror when I wake up.

And then when I look behind me he's not there.

I see him on reflections.

On windows, on water.

I see him in my dreams.

My black outs.

I see him live giving me a scary smirk but I know it's not real.

But it's driving me mad.

He's become a strange illness for me.

And I have to see him in my company since I am collaborating with him for his game characters.

But he just keeps silent, ignores me, snaps at me or gives me evil glares.

I'm in pain every time I see him.

I didn't realize I was pacing around the room while thinking until my feet get tangled against something and I fall down.

I let out a hiss and my wrist hurts like hell right now.

I hope I didn't break it.

I'm such a  pain.

How can a person get hurt so much in the middle of their room?

I look and what I stumbled upon and see my white backpack.

It's the backpack I had on when I went at the white house.

Hey I forgot to recheck the things I found suspicious there.

I try to open the backpack with my left hand since my right hand is hurting.

I probably didn't break it since I can move my hand, it's just that it hurts like heck.

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