Chapter XVII

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Narrator's POV


Her whole life, she had never felt such pain.

Unbearable pain...

She had wanted to scream so much, to move, to breathe, but she could do nothing, she could see nothing, she could only smell...

The moon started getting a deep red, and she only felt pain.

In all the darkness her eyes made her see...

She saw a blue light.

That blue light was surrounding someone so gently...

Someone rather familiar.


She was seeing nothing except him, and she wanted to die, to scream, to pull her hair or do something, but she could not move a muscle, not even blink.

It was as if she entered a void, only she was aware of.

And inside that painful hole, she saw no one but Jungkook smiling at her.

Not evilly, not smirking, but a genuine smile...

Something she never saw Jungkook do.

She was inside this painful and beautiful illusion... she didn't know if she wants to get out of the pain, or stay inside, as the pain somewhat comforted her.

Soon, the darkness started fading into a dimly lit garden of white roses.

She did it.

She is finally a vampire, one of her kind.

She could feel energy and power radiating from within her, and she couldn't help but feel infuriated about the fact that she saw no one but Jungkook in one of her most important, painful event in her life.

She felt her breathing becoming uneasy, as she collapsed into the ground holding onto her own throat for some kind of relief and coughing.

She felt thirst and desire for blood.

In that moment, she smelled something incredible to her... but she did not have any clue what.

She took a deep breath into the now sweet air, and she wanted to get lost in this beautiful scent.

She started seeing a shining black aura with black butterflies, and she started feeling more of that scent arousing her in way too different levels.

Suddenly the butterflies started moving, and the black glittery dust along with them, among them the mysterious alluring scent.

She began following it, to brainwashed to even reason her actions.

It was like she was being hypnotized as her eyes glitched from red to purple from purple to blue.

She kept following and following, not even minding where this scent could sent her.

Suddenly the butterflies stopped in a dark alley and wrapped around her teleporting her in front of a luxury mansion, the exterior so breathtaking it felt surreal.

But Jannie couldn't care less about that, as the scent became even stronger as she unconsciously teleported her self into the mansion and saw herself in front of a very cool royal like black door.

She wanted to kick it open as she could feel the scent even more making her lose control of her powers as she teleported into the room.

Her eyes widened as she saw where the scent was coming from.

|| Dance With The Devil || •JJK•  COMPLETED ✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora