Chapter XX

21 1 9

Narrator's POV

Needless to say.... they were both in shock.

But one thing they knew certainly, they had to get the hell out of there as fast as possible.

They called Jannie's driver and he came to take them home.

He was the most trustworthy person in Jannie's opinion.

He never lied to her, when she asked for advice he gave it to her, he wasn't nosy, in fact he was a really wise person.

His mother was born in Germany, but his father was Korean.

He had this pale complexion and really dark hair, but blue eyes and he was middle aged.

They quickly entered the car while Jannie's driver was already calling people to come and take the car with a truck and repair it.

Jannie thought Jungkook must get home first so Jungkook told him where to go.

The whole situation with the old lady was crazy.

Jannie knew something definitely went wrong from the beginning...

She was feeling anxious the whole time there.

Her gut feeling told her that she was hiding something scary behind her seemingly kind smile.

Jungkook decided to never mention she even payed them a visit while she thought they were asleep at like 3am.

He was too lazy to, and it would just scare her so he dropped it off.

After minutes of silence during the way to Jungkook's home finally the driver broke it.

"We're here." he said with his calming voice.

"Oh, thanks for the ride. Bye Jannie." Jungkook said trying to quickly get out of the car and go inside the house without getting noticed by anyone.

He did get out and go until the gate until he heard Jannie calling out to him.

"Hey Jungkook, wait!"

He turned around about to tell her she must hurry before anyone saw them but he saw his bag in her hand that he almost forgot in the car.

"Oh I was trying to be quick so we don't get seen, thanks." he said taking the bag from her.

"Bye Jungkook."


She went in the car and Jungkook looked at the car going away, further and further until it disappeared from his sight.

He entered the house only to be welcomed by Taehyung and Baekhyun.

He hissed and he tried to quickly go to his room so he doesn't have to interact with two of the most annoying creatures on earth, before he lost his control.

"~Welcome home Kookie." Said Taehyung with an annoying tone.

"Hello loser." Said the infamous king of bothering others.

Jungkook knew shit must be about to come when Taehyung uses this annoying tone and calls him with his old nickname to be more annoying.

"What is it?" Jungkook said in a deathly tone.

"Now, now, brother. No need to get angry." he replied.

"Drop the shit Taehyung, whatever you and him have to do with me make it quick because I'm tired."

Baekhyun let out a snort mocking him. "Tired? You really must be a nothing without your powers."

Jungkook gave him the deadliest glare he ever gave to someone he almost thought his eyes popped off his eye sockets, and a chill ran down to both of their spines, because they both knew just how deadly Jungkook can be.

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