Chapter 2 - Twisted Hope

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He could hear the sounds of steps fading away from where he lay weakly. The light was out from the small bulb in living room when the door had been closed. He is left alone in that small dark room with no food or water, nothing but scars and fresh bruises. Zylen covered his face with his palm as he cried his heart out. Why? Why he have to wake up to this nightmare every single day. When all of this will stop? Just how much more he has to take all of this pain to end this agony.

"Mommy, please help me..."

Another two days had passed...

Everything was nothing more than pain, not more than endless torture. Zylen can hear his own screaming as he was knocked brutally by a chair.

"Stop!!Please stop!!!"

"Shut up!" he keep assaulting the small fragile limbs in full force. Zylen cry out as he tried to crawl away in his scream. The wooden chair has hurt his back more than enough, the pain was unbearable, and he thought he would break by those strong stomps. "You fry! How dare walk out from your room!!" Zylen sneak out from his room for food in midnight and this seems to be a failed attempt as well.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry dad! I'm hungry"

"Quiet!" He kicks the small child and throws him to the cabinet. The boy screams in pain when his head knocked at the edge of that large cabinet and he drops to the tiles floor of the kitchen. He sobs quietly as he felt wet on his head. He could hear the sound of things thrown to the floor continuously, it was strong and many. Zylen covered his head weakly and whimpering as he was afraid if one of those things might be landed to him. He use to heard his father run amok and throwing things while cursing around the house in his temper, but he could never get rid of his shiver and the strong pumping heart.

Zylen open his eyes when he saw a big foot came to his blurry vision. He yelps when his father suddenly pulls his hair strongly, and starts dragging him along his steps. Zylen grabs the large hand weakly begging to let him go. He cried out with each drag.

He screams again when he had been thrown. He felt wet and cold. "You wanted this so much don't you" it took Zylen a few blinks to realize he had been thrown into the fridge. He could felt shivers run to his spine in fear. ""

"Stay here until you're full". Zylen starts to scream in his cry, fighting for a way out from that already empty refrigerator. Fred slap him strongly before he slam the door closed.

"Dad, let me out!!"

Fred block the refrigerator with a chair as he walk away ignoring those scream.

"Please dad!" he scream in panic in those pitch darkness. The coldness felt overwhelming as his fingers turns numb. He keeps knocking in those small wet surfaces. "Mama help me!!"

"Help me! I'm sorry daddy!!" he kept screaming louder for help as he realizes his voice has turns hoarse because of the freezing temperature. Eventually he'll lose his voice in any minutes. It was hard to breath, his throat was burning in cold gas passing through filing his lung in wetness, and he can't felt his fingers anymore. More pain overwhelming him with each tear he forms in his swollen eyes, he might freeze his eyes as well. He can't take it anymore.

Zylen was lucky though... well not much of a karma, his mother was passing by the hallway returning to her room from the washroom, at first she thought about ignoring the pounding inside the fridge. But in a second thought she freeze and turns her step to the kitchen only to witness how messy the atmosphere there.

Libby opens the refrigerator calmly.

Zylen stops screaming upon lights reaching him and a pair of large hand grab him strongly yet gentle. He gasps for air desperately.

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