Chapter 20 - My First Birthday Present

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Oh no...Did he just hurt him? Have he turn to be a monster like his master and his father? He blinks quickly and took a glance to the spot he saw the figure before..But it was no longer in sight, did he just seeing things?

He heard Cheryl running to her brother and try to comfort him by touching his reddish small nose and tell the pain to go away. Zylen in the other hand rushing towards the ground and meet their eyes.

Oh God, his nose was soo red, and the boy started to call out for his mother, that stabs the blonde in his heart as he remember how he used to longed for his mother in crazy pain and cries. He quickly hugged him close to his chest and land his nose and lips on the brunettes hairs which is filled with snow.

"I'm..Ry..S-ry" that's all he could make it, he felt like crying too listening to how the boy wails. He finally lowered to sobbings. Zylen was shivering all over, he was terrified of being a monster, he was sad because he hurt the boy, and this event reminds him of his mother so much, he does not want the boy to feel what he felt, he does not want anyone to feel it..

The boy move away when he saw his mother, Zylen let him go and watch him running for his mother started wailing again wanting to be comforted and wanting his pain to be known, the mother of course pick him up to her grasps and ask him "What's wrong sweetheart?"

"Mm..My nose..Pain" he let out hiccups but wails as the last words slipped through his pink tongue. The women stroke her hand on the boy's head to remove the snows and take a good look on his face. Well, it was nothing serious, it's just snow not rock. Cheryl run to her mother, grasping her long skirts with her small hands wanting to be a part of the warmth as well

She glance over to find the blonde teen sitting in the snow, staring to the ground, she could see how much he shivers, maybe he was cold...Or maybe he was afraid of being scold by her. So she didn't say anything, he looks so fragile and of course he would not harm her son, it was just an accident.

She invites him into the house and take the children to change and for some hot chocolates, Zylen on the other hand was put to some rest. She tried to dry him but his eyes reflects a clear fear whenever she approach him, he stay away from everyone, putting distances even from the kids. So she decided to let him to some rest, let her husband help him to change once he got home later.

Zylen laid there on the low mattress covering his own head with the blanket and cowering into himself. He refuse to eat the snacks he was offered, he refuse to talk. He just want to clear his mind for now

It's in the blood isn't it? The evil is in his blood, just like his father and his uncle. He can't sleep thinking of it, and his head has hurt too much to think. He ended up feeling the blanket covering him being pulled away, leaving him uncovered. It was the man he saw before, the man with the hazel eyes, a father to the children he was playing with. Zylen does not say a word, his emerald dark eyes was soo tired from pressing it together tightly, he can't help but to feel so guilty.

The man put a stern look on his face, he was looking down to Zylen like he was observing him, when he was done he finally put an eye contact with him. The blonde lad on the other hand does not blink at all which the hazel eyes man found it a bit odd. He landed his hand on the pale lad's forehead slowly, his body temperature is quite high, but Zylen felt nothing, not cold, not hot. It was a very comfortable temperature for him.

Soon, the man unbotton the pyjamas and clean his wounds, he could tell the blonde will bite his own tongue if he tried anything dangerous. He could treat him with another easier way like putting him to sleep first, but he choose this way. He does not want to put more sedatives into him, he might overdose him, the blonde need to stay awake to improve his condition

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