Chapter 7 - Accused

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"Stop crying!!" Fred yelled to the child in his grasp, he was no older than two years old and still needs attention from his mother. Fred leaves the crying baby on the floor "Ma..." he cried.

Libby walk past soon enough, but she ignores him, completely.

"Ma..." he cried, looking up to her and moving his hand, wanted to be lift up by his mother.

Zylen opened his heavy teary lids, only to witness the rain drops from the dark sky. He couldn't recall everything yet, he actually can't move his hand, but he rise to sit and looks around. Wine is the first thing in his sight, memories rush into him, he crawls using his knees to get them. A bottle has broken, while another cracks on the top. He look at those bottles with fear, he tried to take it, but he can't move his hand, he just wrap around his small arm. He collects his scarf and his shoes slowly as he manage to rise.

Those heavy rain won't even slow down on this poor child, keep pressuring those shaking limbs, adding pain to all his wound, and even causing him to breath like he got asthma. The coldness is killing him. In those time as he walk, he only wants to get home quickly even he knows he's already late, much more late then the time given to him whenever he is out for errand. Bloods drop from his broken lips as he gasp for oxygen. He walk home with a wrecked hand and ribs. Tears gather in his eyes for his pain and desperation for living. He knows he will be punished for his lateness and he doesn't know what his uncle will do to him with those crack wine. He doesn't have money to buy it again, and he doesn't want to see the man that beat him anymore. He must head home to send the wine. He can't run way, he don't have any place to go even he might be killed once he got home. He cried.

William was sitting on the couch when Zylen got home "What the fuck took you soo long!" the boy only watch him with tearful eyes, looking soo weak like he could past out anytime. "What on earth happen to you?" he watched all those heavy wounds on the boy, his clothes was ripped, he was covered with blood and shaking all over. Water drops from his hair and soaked clothes, wetting the spot he is standing

"Hmm? Only one? This already crack you son of a bitch!!" Fred scolds the boy as he deliver his wine. "I demand you to buy me some wine and this is what you get for me?!!" He trembles more, his eyes was clearly telling his master that he couldn't take anymore wounds or beating and he needs help as he lost too much blood.

"You sold it to someone else do you??!!!" William raised his fist

"No I don't! The man at the counter did this!!" he raise his broken arms to protect his face as he screams.

"You fucking liar!!! You better tell me the truth or I'll crush your jaw!!!" he punch Zylen until he was thrown to the floor. He quickly covered his face and scream out "It's the truth I swear!! I swear!! I don't lie I swear!! Please don't hurt me please please don't hurt me please don't..I'll die.. I'll die.." he squirm into himself hoping William will listen to him for once, he swear he could shattered by another single blow.

"The new guy eh?" William stare down to him. The wailing boy answered "....He hurt me, he hurt me... he said I can't buy wine.. with my age....."

"I see.." William spoke to himself.

"........Please don't hurt me don't hurt me please.... please don't hurt me...I can't..." the poor child muttered continuously.

"I'll teach him a lesson" William claim. Zylen cried and whimpers with the trauma, it was the first time he was spared by the sadistic William. William was a doctor when he was in military, he knows this wounds must broke some part of him, when Zylen was already unconscious on the living room's floor he check his wounds and later take him to the basement to treat his ribs and his hands. Surely he doesn't have any full equipment as before, but all he had is good enough for small surgery, and he do replace some stuff with another things with similar function.

He wash the blood and the wounds with the cracked alcohol Zylen bring back just now, he took a few gulp and put it on the small table, filled with other surgery kit. He knows it would takes weeks or a months to recover from broken bones, supplements could help, so he'll make sure to get some later. He take a knife and start the surgery

The PuppeteerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora