Chapter 24 - A tragedy

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Zylen fixed his hair as he brush it, he got new haircut. His blonde hair got bangs at the front it goes to his ears and end up at the back of his neck, barely touching his shoulder. It was Mrs Connel idea to gave him haircut to remove those gloomy appearance of him and he could see his surrounding much better too.

He had his breakfast with the family, take his shower and play with the children at evening.

They ended up taking a nap together at the room. Zylen doesn't sleep long, Mrs Connel wake him up when she saw him twitching in his sleep because of his nightmare.

She gave him coffee and read him a few happy children's story to calm him and to get him to sleep with a better dream.

Zylen is a very smart boy, he able to remember exactly how things are told to him. They we're planning to send him to school, or get him homeschool to make things easier.

It's been two weeks ever since Zylen lives here, and the person show up at the doorstep ended everything.

Someone rang the door when the family is having dinner. Mr. Connel the one who opened the door and he was stumbled to see huge man, seven foot with muscular body standing at the door

To be continued.....

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