Chapter 13 - The First Killing

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A single figure is sitting on the floor in the basement, the single bulb light is the only light source could be found. Needle in his hand, he lifted it up and continue piercing the next skin and pull it far apart again. The red threat could be clearly seen through between those sewing. Bloods trails from the wounds and his skin he is piercing to. This year he already treats his own wounds, he needs to be independent for his own body infact William will only be treating him if the wound is fatal enough on him, else, he would pretend like the boy was never injured, turning blind eyes to him no matter how he cried for help.

That was the reason he made up his mind to learn. William seems glad with his resolve too. He even told him to practice and give him wounds to 'practice' to.

Eventhou it was painful to sew himself at first but after a few trials and few failures causing him anemia due to a lot of blood lost, he finally able to do it correctly. He learnt that if he is not afraid he could do it in the right way. His face does not show any expression as the needle pierce through his skin, digging through his meat and later the threat slide through the skin, closing the gap of the wound when he tighten the threat.

He put his hand to the air and flipped it to see if he did it right without hitting his veins and blood vessels. He was jerked when he heard a glass shaterred upstairs. Soon he heard a slamming sounds , a door being shut and yellings. His mouth was half parted. William must not be alone this time. He want to check it out, but he wonder if it just another victim. This is not the first time William takes someone to the house, even he was locked down in the basement back then he could hear a woman screams and soon enough it was shutted quiet like nothing ever happened.

But not this time, this time it was not a female, it was a male

The door was kicked open by William, he throw his victim to the basement floor. Zylen was froze he was shock as he look at the unconscious body in awe.

"Look what I got for you" William said in his gasp, the man must be struggling hard just now to give him such sweat. "Come on now, don't you remember this maniac maggot?" he asked when he saw how Zylen seems to be just scared.

After another look Zylen eyes turns wide and he quickly move backward in his sitting position.

That was him.

That was him!

The skinny guy who broke both of his hands and ribs in that rainy day. The man at the counter, after he beat him at the street Zylen never saw him anymore.

"No..." he was scared, the trauma was still there.

"What's with that reaction? I've brought you your presents, I told you I'll teach him a lesson right?" William walk closer " Now my slave..Lesson number sixty nine"

Zylen gasp and quickly look at him. What is it? What do William wants him to do this time?

What could William want this time? Do he want him to be punish more or beaten again? He startled when William shove a knife right infront of his face. "My puppet..." his eyes was gleaming as his shadows loomed over him "Everyone did not like you..They hate you..They will hurt you and take away everything that you love.. So you see.. This maggot here..." He grab Zylen hands slowly and put the knife in his hand, he whispered as he lean soo close to his ears.

"Needs to be eliminated.."

Zylen froze.

It could not be-

"Now then!" William stand up, looking soo tall from Zylen's sights. "My slave, do as I told you to, this is your lesson"

William must be crazy to dragged him into this type of world, Zylen have seen too much but he never thought he will be here. He was used to be hurt soo much that he swear he would not hurt others. "Hey! What are you waiting for? Stab him!" William demanded.

The PuppeteerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora