Chapter 21 - Adopted

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The dining table had never been soo lively in Zylen's life, having childrens arounds is a havoc for sure, they will play with their foods, laugh, leave the veges at the side of the plate and many more. But he love it.. That laughter, music to his ears again. Harry does not seems to be mad of him for what happened, he might forget it or something, he's just a kid

This feels awkward for sure, this is the first time in his live having dinner with someone else than his family, he wonder why they treat him with kindness, but he did not question them, he just sit there, watching Harry and his little sister Cheryl playing but soon the laugh and teasing turns to screaming and Cheryl started to cry when Harry put all his veges inside her plate

Why was she crying? Wasn't the green thing is a food? Her brother just fed her, what's wrong with that?

The mother speak from the sink without looking at them "Do not play with your food, Harry sit down properly" Harry do as he was told, but Cheryl is still crying with all the veges in her plate, her sight was interrupted when she saw a pale wounded hand took the veges away, she shot up to look at him and laugh.

Zylen ate the veges, he looks at the girl as well, she tried to reach him because she was sitting right next to him, the lad bent over to her, to help her or maybe she want to whisper something. But to his surprise, the girl gave him a quick kiss on his cheek as a thank you. Even his cheek is wounded, he could swear he felt no pain at all, it was entirely consume by the warmth and those feelings crept down to his heart. He was visibly blushing. This is not a first time a female kiss him, but this is something that had been done by a pure heart, not leading by lust.

He watch her with that blushing red face, he didn't pulled away because she was patting his cheeks. She quickly stop when her father enter the kitchen

"Harry, sit beside your sister" he commanded, the boy quickly run over to Zylen and Cheryl. Mr Connel place himself at the chair Harry left "You sit beside me" he told the lad, and so he move to sit beside him. The dining table was made for six person. Three chairs lines up on two sides facing each other. Honestly, the lad wants to sit with the kids. But maybe he was not trustful enough to be placed with them.

Frankly saying, actually those kids always having trouble with discipline, so Mr Connel want Zylen not to get involve in trouble if those kids started throwing foods.

Zylen tried to sit straight just like everyone else when they reciting something they called prayer , but he couldn't, not with this wounded shoulders and rib cages.

The good parts of this is the family does not seems to pay much attention to him, this makes him a bit more comfortable. But he couldn't shake this feelings.. this is awkward, super awkward. Imagine sitting on this table properly and having dinner with this family normal life style!

Try to compare everything here, from floor to table, from alone to family, from starvation to deliscious foods, from beatings to treatments, from cold to warmth, from basements to freedom, from darkness to daylight, from pain to joy! This is just too much in a very short time! He couldn't tell why he's not enjoying this to the fullest now? Was it because he is sick? Or was it because of shock? Who knows?

"You're not touching your food" the voice pull the blonde's attention to reality.

He looks up to the man beside him "S..S-" before he even manage to talk his jaw was grabbed. The doctor examine his mouth. The childrens are eating quietly. But the wife spoke

"Honey, let's just eat love" She said, wanting her husband to focus on their family dinner now.

Taking note of what his wife just said he took another quick glance into Zylen's mouth "You're good, just stop and let me know if it hurts" he let go of him, and shove a mouthful of steak into his own mouth. He's a good doctor, Zylen could tell based on how properly he sewed his wounds and how gentle he treated him, compares to the sadistic William who makes him scream in his harsh treatments. But this man is just..Stern? Is that the right word to describe him? Just look at the children, they are well behaved when he is around

The blonde hold the fork awkwardly and tried to eat.. For many reason now, the fork seems like a weapon towards his eyes, him and his violent life..

The uneasiness was wiped away as he took his first bite, he was surprised with how good the foods taste like, much much better than the deliscious soup he had earlier. Just what kind of sorcery is this? He couldn't stop eating, and as much as he ate like an animals back then, he seems to be practically eating in the same manner.. Old habits die hard isn't it?

This food is so soft, so easy to chew compares to the chewy raw meat he used to eat, he is eating faster than ever, fork and spoon no longer used. He grabbed the food with his bare hands and shove it into his mouth, it just taste so good, he needs more and more.

Just then he was stopped by a grab on his wrist, it was Mr Connel, it seems they have been calling for him for a while now, but he was indulged into the food too much to heard their calling.

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