Chapter 17 - Merry Christmas

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The blonde switch his eyes to the old man with his words, seeing him shock the lad knows he saw something on his face, and when his hands crept slowly to touch his own face.. It was wet

He realized the blood from the wounds on his head earlier has flows down. When he left the house, the blood on his head froze with the coldness, but now as he is warming himself infront of this fire, wrapped by scarf and warm surroundings, the icy blood have melts and the wounds was open again causing the blood rushing out from his skull. He holds down his own head, and quickly stand, leaving the half emptied mug on the floor. His breathing was disrupted in nervous, he could not believe this is happening right now of all the moment. The old man tried to calm him down, but his attempt only make it worse

"Let's get it treated first shall we? Don't worry I won't take you to the doctor, I have first aids" He stand up too, leaving his mug on the table, he approach the boy slowly to check on his wounds. But now he could see sudden fears struck the boy in crazy amount, his pale eyes was wide in shock and his body starts to trembling violently.

"No.." his small voice said as he took his step backwards from the old man, he does not know what he should do, William words of 'everyone hates him and will hurt him' started to rangs in his head all over again and again like an endless quartz. With William's voice already haunted his mind, he feels his knees started to wobbling like his leg just turned into jelly all of sudden.

More than ever now he is scared with any physical contact, he does not want to be touch at all. This old man upon him is really kind to him, but he was afraid if William was right, this old man infront of him could be just like the others, just like all the people who satisfy their anger by beating him until he thought he could die in those agonizing pain and blood loss, or he could be like others who wants his broken body only for sex pleasure making he felt like his body splitting to half and screaming the whole process until he lost his conscious. He does not want that..He do not want that

"Please..I don't..I can't.." suddenly those weak begging voice muttered from his unrevealed mouth behind the scarf. The memories of kickings, punchings, rapings starts to flash in his panic minds, he could not breath anymore, his heart was pumping so loud to the point he could heard it himself.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I promise, let's get your wounds treated, you can go home afterwards" the old man ensure him, telling him about his kind purpose.

But he shook his blonde head and run to the door for his life, he is fast, soo fast like he get used to run around desparately even with little energy and wounds all over his limbs, he open the wooden door and make his run, he leave the shop in fear and panic.

As his foot stomps the snow, leaving traces of footsteps in each step he took, he saw flashes of memories of how William warned him a few months ago, choking him to the wall and shaking him violently. He warned him about not letting anyone know about his condition..And now he messed up. If William find the old man asking for him, he will surely be killed by William, or worst, William might really rape him using knife, he could not imagine that sharp shiny blade shove into him, he could not imagine how much pain will he receive and how long he could stand. He might be die in a few forceful thrust by the sadistic William. He knows William, William never jokes about hurting him, he was rather serious and will always hurt him to the craziest point he would ever imagine. Not to mentioned, the punishment has gone crazier ever since he grew up. He gasp in his run, leaving puddles of vapors behind him, it was so much colder now, his body could not adjust to the temperature after just having a very warm comfortable evening. He feels like tearing up when he think he might ended up getting killed by William, he does not want any pain much more.. He could not take it anymore..

As his eyes fills with shining beads, his steps was suddenly stop, he realized the biggest mistake he had done in his life

..He left the liquors in the shopkeeper's house

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