Chapter 22 - Salvation

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Zylen woke up in cold sweat. He was almost scream but he believe he manage to hold himself. He had a nightmare..a nightmare of his father beating him and William warning him. Why does it keep repeating inside of his head? He had enough, he wanted to rest from all these lifetime troubles.

He shifted to his side, and wince with the pain. Why is he here? Covered with a dark brown blanket, laying on a very soft bed instead of the cold and hard surface of the basement he used to be?

Why he is here?

After another blink, he saw from the corner of his eyes Connel walking towards his bed.

Zylen shut his eyes, he is scared. He knows this man upon him is a very nice person but this reminds him of nothing but how people approach him in the middle of the night for sex service.


He heard it, but pretend to be sleeping. Connel placed his hands on his forehead, examining his temperature.

Zylen try his best not to wince or freak out. Now when he shut his eyes stronger until the lids felt the pressure some images flashes into his head.

Something had happened last night..

"I'm really sorry" Connel was whispering and slowly his hand run through his hairs. He stop at certain parts, avoiding the wounds

What happened last night?


It's complicated

It's started after dinner, when it was time for early bedtime. Zylen was refusing to take his meds, not without a reason. He was scared of drugs. He believes whatever comes in a shringe was meant to put him down, make him silence or take his consciousness away.

So he was he was going to get killed

Mr Connel had to chased him, pinned him to the wall and force the shringe into his veins.

His screaming put the childrens to their tears. They were afraid as they run down the stairs to witness him limped in Connel's arms

He had fought a very nice doctor, he bite hands that feed him. This family take a good care of him feed him and aid him and what did Zylen do to repay the kindness? He made the children cry, he gave Mr Connel hard time to deal with him...and he felt sorry

Complicated wasn't it..

Zylen couldn't get away from his fears no matter how much he tried. After all his struggles he felt sorry, and he needs to find the courage to apologize. But when? And how? Zylen was to afraid to start

"Dear? What are you doing?"

Suddenly Mrs. Connel's voice rang the atmosphere

Mr. Connel shifted to face her "Checking on my patients"

"I'm proud of you dear, but that could wait until sunrise" she smiled tightly, she meant what she said, but she knew better that Connel is stubborn to keep his attention on his job

"Is there anything wrong?" She asked, curious about her husband worries..she could see it painted on his face

"I'm afraid he needs more attention"

"His injuries?"

"Physically and mentally" he stated slowly

Mrs Connel took a deep breath "My dear, if things are getting out of your hand, you should consider about sending him to the hospital"

"No sweetheart, I can't"


"They will put him in custody, I'm not sure what happened to him, but I bet this is something big my dear. Police might stick their nose in as well"

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