Part 5 A Bad Start For Me

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"Girls, we're back."

"Umm..." I stretch my arms, and look at the palace. We're back again.

"Queen, you'll just go to your room, I'll bring Ai back to her home."

"Thanks, Mr. Silverheart." I nod my head and thank him.

When I set my feet on the second floor, I realize I didn't know where is my room.

"Wait! Where is my room? How do I get ther---" I turn to ask Mr. Silverheart, but he isn't there, the blimp has already set off to Ai's house. Well, looks like I have to try my luck finding my room in this maze-like palace.

I try walking in several paths, but found myself walking in circles actually.

"Ugh. Where is my room?" I bang my head silently onto a door in front of me.

"You're lost, Queen?" A woman voice come from my back.

"Miss Purple?" It is her as I turn to see her.

"It is me indeed. I see you having trouble finding your room?"


"To tell you the truth, I'm a little disappointed to know you can't find your own room, despite being a phantom thief."


"As a phantom thief, you should have known how to find a specific place by observing your surroundings carefully."

"Yes, you're right."

"Now, think of it, where could your room be? As a princess, you'll have a huge room, and did you find that most of the huge rooms are getting larger starting from the third floor?"

"Yeah, you are right. I remembered we'd turn to,the left twice and... how many times is it to the right?"

"Let's find out if you're correct." We start walking up the third floor. Now, I remember, if I'm right, we'll have to turn to the left twice, but we came to a dead end.


"Try again, if it isn't left, then it's only?"

"Right." I quickly turn right, then several times to the left. Then, I see a painting of a vase of marigolds near a door.

"This is it!" I jump up and down.

"Congratulations then. Well, just always use your techniques when you're troubled."

"Thank you so much, Miss Purple!"

"Now, now. I've made a list for your tomorrow's training, so we might have to start early. Go get some rest now."

"I will, thanks!" I push open my room door and enter.

After changing my clothes, I throw myself onto the huge bed. Too soft... I can't really get the use to it. But I'm too tired to think about that, I just doze off.

[The next day]
There's a knock on the door.

"5 minutes more, grandpa..." I mumble. But the knocking didn't stop. I flip sideways until I heard the door was open and to my surprise, it's Miss Purple.

"Your highness, it's time to get up, and how come you end up sleeping at the floor?" She points at the floor, then clasps her mouth to try not to laugh.

"Umm..." I rub my eyes and look at her, well, this is quite awkward.

"Pfft... alright, just quickly go and get yourself ready, I'll meet you at the dining area at seven," she bows and leaves. First day living here, an awkward situation happened, hope nothing else worst could happen for the rest of my life...

I went into the bathroom and just open up the water tap. I didn't realize I turn the tap too many times to the right then...

"Ack! It's hot water?" I almost jump when the high temperature water touches my skin. I'm used to have cold water shower back in those days, hot water is quite a luxury for us, cause not many people in our village get to install hot water in their houses. It does feel comfortable to use hot water in a cold day, but not when you're sleepy and turn it on too hot then get shocked because of that.

After I'm done bathing myself, I open the door which Mr. Silverheart said it's my very own "closet", it looks more like a boutique for me. I try my best to find a dress that is not so glamorous or too sparkly, all I want is a dress that is normal , which I believe, might not appear in their dictionaries, at all.

"Phew! At least they have one that is 'normal' !" I say to myself as I get out one that is just a plain cream-coloured dress with a pink bow on the waist.

But when I turn to see what shoes can I wear...
"They are all high heels???" I'm totally shocked, because never in my life had I ever wear high heels.

"Your highness, it's almost time for breakfast!" I can hear one of the maids calling for me. In such hurry, I get myself a pair of high heels several inches high, which of course, I make myself fall down on my way to the dining area.

I'd remember where the dining room is located, so I can run, no, walk there as fast as I could, so no more attempts of falling onto the ground for me!

"Huff... Huff..."

"Late for breakfast, your highness?" Miss Purple questions me.

"Yes. I'm sorry."

"Well, you must've tried to find here I see. Now, start eating, I'm getting your lessons ready."

"Yes, thank you, Miss Purple." I give out a small smile and start eating. The king is not here to eat, where could he be?

"And your father, he said he'll be eating in his bed because of his poor condition."

"Thanks for telling me." As she leaves the dining area, everything becomes so quiet at once.

For the first time, I'm having breakfast alone in such quiet room. I glance over the room, nothing more. It doesn't feel right, it's so cold when you're supposed to have a meal to warm you up. As I grab the fork on the table up, I twirl the noodles on the plate, missing the happy times with my "grandfather", how we have our breakfast and how we make them. I miss them all, but it's making me sad to only face a room full of cold and loneliness. I sigh and finish my food.

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