Part 6 Courses & Trainings

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"Queen, now we're going to learn about your own manners as a royalty. I'll have you start by walking on high heels."

"Alright then!"

"And please don't use words like that, it'll rather be inappropriate for the nobles. By which I mean when you're in front of your new subjects."

"Uh, yes," I nod and put on the high heels.

"Now put both of your hands in front of you. To walk elegantly, you must be aware to walk one small step at a time. That is to prevent yourself from falling down too."

I walk several steps but trip over as I step onto the hem of my dress. How do they walk in long dresses? I wonder as I think of those famous people walking elegantly in long dresses with high heels like nothing at all on the Tele.

"Slow and steady,"

I use her advice and try to walk slow, turns out I can walk on high heels too.

"Now you can walk on high heels, you're going to learn posture. Like this." Miss Purple lifts my chin, making my head facing up and put a book on my head.

"Now, make sure you don't drop your book when you're walking. This will ensure you to have a good walking posture."

As I walk, she keeps on adjusting my posture while going on,"Watch out, don't look down." Then "Head up, make sure your back is straight!" After that,"Don't hurry, or else you'll fall."

When we're done with the so called "High heels training", I've realized it's almost noon.

The worst part is probably the next several weeks. Cause there's so many courses based on several topics such as fashion, talking, hairstyle(what is that even for?), manners and so on.

For today, also the fourth week of the month, I'm going to learn about dining manners. As I sit down, I pull the napkin from the plate and set in on my knees.

"I see you know you'll have to do that, now tell me which cutlery should you use when dining." Miss Purple claps her hands and a maid comes pushing a trolley in.

"The first one, steak." The maid place a plate of steak on front of me, I try my luck and points on the fork and knife. "You've chosen the right one, now what's needed for soup?"

I point at a large spoon. Heh, I guess it's not that difficult... But until the part of butter and bread, I may have mixed up the right knife, instead of the small butter knife, I choose the steak knife by mistake.

"Try again, it shouldn't be so large of you're going to apply something small right?"

"Yes, I think this should be it." As I point at the butter knife, she say I may start having dinner.

"You're learning quite fast, I see that you're more presentable now apart from the old you."

"Thanks, I'll take that as compliment."

"You've finished all your trainings, congratulations. As you've get to finish your courses and trainings faster than I expected, I think we might have plenty of time to introduce you to the royalties of the kingdoms near ours."

"You mean, we're meeting them?"

"Of course, it would be rude not to, isn't it? Furthermore, I've received a letter from the noble castle of Sonata yesterday, it says that the royal family of Jones and Michigan are looking forward to visit you. The venue will be at the noble castle of Sonata. I see the news about you spreads even quick among the royalties."

"How come?"

"Well, they have a secret group chat on a social media set for all the royalties across the five kingdoms."

"Huh, they've all got social medias to use? I thought that's forbidden when I saw something about that on the television?"

"Well, we royalties still have to keep secrets from the commoners right?" She chuckles.

"So... where is this? Noble castle of Sonata?"

"It is located in the center of the Emerald, Jones and Michigan kingdoms."

"I see..."

"That's all, we'll be going there tomorrow, so do eat up as I prepare a new to-do list, and I think it may be alright for you to take Ai along for company, since your father is sick. I'll help you to inform Ai about this. I'll be going off if nothing troubles." She bows and leaves.

"I wonder who are they... ... the nobles of Jones and Michigan?" I mumble under my breathe.

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