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"i lost the baby"

"wh-what" i felt tears prickling my eyes.

"i'm sorry" she reached for my hand but i pushed it away

"whe-when did you loose it?" i asked, tears were running down my face at that time.

"2 days ago, i was walking over to my moms and i just had loads of pain hit me. i struggled to walk, but i managed. as soon as i got to my moms i went to the toilet, and i was bleeding, a lot. i didn't know what to do. i just cried, when she tried to talk to me i pushed her away and left, i went to the hospital and then the doctor had told me that i had miscarried. at that moment i couldn't move, i had no emotion, no movement, i was just still" at this moment she was crying uncontrollably.

"baby it's not your fault" i said trying to comfort her. i didn't know what to do.

"you were so excited for the baby. i'm so sorry"

"h, it's not your fault, nor will it ever be, i don't know why you misscarried, but it wasn't your fault, you were being healthy and you weren't smoking or drinking were you?"

"no of course i wasn't, i would never do that while i'm pregnant"

"so it can't of been your fault, baby it'll be fine"

"how can you say that?, we have lost a child and you're telling me it will be fine" i didn't mean to offend her, i was just trying to comfort her.

"baby, you know i didn't mean it like that, i'm sorry. of course i'm hurting too" that's all i could say before she got up and left, i jumped at the sound of the front door slamming shut.

"fuck" i mumbled to myself. i got up and went after her, i'd hate for her to something she'd regret later.

"BABY WAIT, COME BACK" i said running up to her, putting my hand on her shoulder lightly.

"what?" she said quite angrily

"i'm so sorry baby, please come back. we're both hurting and id hurt to see you do something that you would regret later" i said looking at her tear stained face.

"no, baby i'm sorry. i'm sorry i over reacted. i know you're hurting too. i never meant to take it out on you" she said looking up at me.

i didn't say anything, i just cupped her cheeks with my hands and kissed her, she kissed back and it felt so good. i haven't kissed her since forever. it felt like it's been so long since we last locked lips.

"i love you" she said breaking the kiss

"i love you so much more" i replied

"not possible" she said, making me smile

"really? hmm, i think i love you more than you love me" i said, and she looked up at me and laughed

"nope i love you more" she said giggling

i picked her up by surprise and carried her back to the penthouse bridal style.

god i love her so much.

she seemed happier when we got back to the house and that made me happier.

"what are we gna do g?" she asked me leaving me confused.

"what do you mean?"

"like we're gna have to tell the internet sooner or later, what would happen if we post pictures and they don't see the baby bump? they're gna assume that i've been faking the pregnancy" she said, she was speaking faster than usual and that normally means she starting to panic

"don't worry, we'll tell them, not yet though, we've been through a lot today" i tell her, calming her down. "how about we get home and go to sleep, we both need it majorly"

"ok" she said as we walked into the house and went up the stairs.

after we had got dressed into our pyjamas we got into bed and cuddled. she fell asleep not long after and she looked so peaceful, i simply kissed her forehead and fell asleep.


wow, a lot happened in this chapter.

anyways that all for today. sorry guys, i'll update again tomorrow maybe.

all the love 💕 L x

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