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what? no. that can't be true. ashley can't be dead. i feel my eyes burning up and i gave up, i let the tears over take me.

why haven't the hospital informed me, nicole or chris?

i couldn't take it anymore, i clicked off the post and put my phone in my back pocket. as i wiped the tears off my face, i picked up my keys and left the apartment slamming the door behind me, i was heartbroken, i raced to the hospital completely forgetting to put my seatbelt on but i couldn't care less at this point, my girlfriend and our had just died and i found out through an instagram post.

i got to the hospital and i walked into her room hoping she would be there and this was all a sick joke, i looked at the bed and it was empty, the bed was empty and made, it looked brand new, they took her away before i got to say goodbye, i slouched down in the chair thinking about the last word we exchanged with each other

"hun, go home. i'll call you if there is any news" i say to him.

"ok baby, i love you" gerald says getting up out the hospital chair he's been glued to since i arrived.

"i love you too dork"

tears left my eyes and rolled down my cheek, i couldn't believe it.

i got up and i was about to leave when i heard her, i heard ashley's voice. she was talking to a doctor. was i dreaming? could i actually hear her?

i got up and followed the sound of her voice, oh my god, she's here, she's actually alive. i run up to her and hug her forgetting how much pain she was in.

"oh my god baby you're alive, you're actually alive" i said while i cupped her face in my hands.

"yea i am, why wouldn't i be?" she said chuckling.

"because someone told the media you were dead" i said

"what?" she said back, sounding very confused

"i don't know who did it, but i'm so glad you're alive, i don't know what i would of done without you two" i said to her putting my hand on her growing stomach. "i love you"

"i love you too" she kissed my cheek. "i can get discharged today, in like an hour.

"finally, it's been so quiet on my own" i say laughing.

"you've literally stayed with me since i got admitted, and you left yesterday" she said stating a point.

"yea but that was a day too many" i say pulling her into a hug. "i don't ever wanna leave you again"

"i don't ever wanna leave you" she said resting her head on my shoulder.

"well best tell the world you're not dead" i say breaking the hug and smiling at her.

"okay" she said smiling.


hahahah i'm sorry for the last chapter, i truly am. *does a dramatic evil laugh*

i mean it. i am well and truly sorry.

all the love 💕 L x

instagram ~ g-eazy and halsey || NOT EDITED ||Where stories live. Discover now