~Chapter Two~

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Chapter Two; New Realm


Alannah let out a rough, startled gasp as her body lurched forward. She could feel her body sweating, as her heart pounded in her chest. She placed her pale hand on her chest, training to calm herself down. She had to figure out where she was. 

Slowly, she looked around her. As far as the eye could see, looming trees sprouted from the forest's earth. The ground damp and dark, the trees blocking any light from reaching the ground. Alannah was covered by a thick bush, its leaves tickling her legs as she sat next to it. She felt dizzy, her head swimming as she took in the new realm around her. 

She was in a forest. She knew that for certain, but what else what in the forest with her? She had to get to somewhere where she can plan, figure out what to do. She didn't have anything with her, her ability only allowing her form to hop between realms. 

Not even her clothing could pass through the barriers of each realm. She suspected it was to protect the equilibrium of each realm. Bringing items for other realms would completely throw off the balance of life and death and everything that co-existed between. 


I knew I had to get up, but I felt so weak. I couldn't figure out how long I laid there before I woke up. It was different every time. One time, my body became so weak I drifted into a coma and was out for three entire weeks. I was found by the people of the realm and brought to a local 'infirmary'. It took me awhile, but I figured out that since I didn't take care of my body before I drifted, it struggled to pass through the barrier and almost collapsed. 

With that, I stumbled back to my feet, my bare skin shaking from lack of sunlight. Realms such as these really make me miss one of my favourite realms. I arrived on a sandy island that held this large but beautiful city that had almost become integrated into the island... as if it was one. The sun shone down on the clear blue sea- and the food! By the gods, the food was extraordinary. I nearly gained an entire ten kilograms just from their food alone. Of course it wasn't solid fat- I was constantly hiking the island and swimming in the shores. It was beautiful.  

With a sigh, I covered my chest with my arms, crossing them to keep my body warm. I had no idea where I was, or where I was supposed to go. I didn't even know if anyone was actually living in this realm. It was rare but there were cases of complete realms made up of different creatures, none of which even nearly resembled my own. But I suppose, with the good must come the bad. Mama always said that. 

"Hello?" I called after snapping myself out of my daze. "Anybody there?" I continued walking forward, wishing the forest came to end soon. "I need help, I'm cold and hungry!" I doubt even if there were people in this realm, none of them would help me. I kicked a rock with my foot, letting out a loud shriek as my toe bent at an ungodly angle. 

"Mother fucker!" I screamed, dropping to the ground and cradling my toe. 

"You called?" I let out another shriek, jumping to my feet and shielding my body from view behind a tree. 

"I won't hurt you" He promised, his thick voice sending shivers up my spine. Not now, body.

"I woke up naked, I need help," I said, fabricating the truth a little. "I have no idea where I am." I peaked my head out from around the corner, confusion settling in as no one was to be found.

"I see that." I let out another shriek as I spun around to find him in front of me. His curly hair hanging in his face. He wore black, shiny boots that were tucked under his black bants that were covered in dust and dirt, a few holes here and there. On his torso, he wore to clothes, his undershirt a dirty white that covered his arms, and on top and wore a leather shirt that went down past his hips. Across his shoulder to under his armpit he wore a leather belt, knives hunt from it. In one hand he held a long brown bow and hung arrows behind his back. He wore half a clock that tied around his neck and hooded his head, but the rest were cleanly sliced off for mobility. 

"Like what you see?" I was snapped out of my daze, "What year is it?" I changed the subject abruptly. 

"Don't play coy-" Suddenly, he pinned me to the tree, I could feel my heart racing in my chest. I couldn't breathe... but nothing happened. He held his hand hovered over my mouth, allowing me space to breathe but ready to cover if I screamed. 

"Please" I whispered but was immediately shushed. As quick as a blink, I was pulled to the ground as he covered my body. I thought- I thought he was going to assault me. I thought he was going to hurt me, but instead, he covered his body as mine as the sound of hooves raced past where we hid. Eventually, he slowly eased off my body, helping me to my feet.

"I'm sorry about that, you really aren't from here are you?" He questioned, slugging off his hood to cover my firey red hair. 

"Uhm" I coughed, as he tied it around my neck. "Excuse me?" I spoke, 

"Sorry, yes?" He questioned, gazing into my eyes.

"Give me your shirt." I point blank spoke.

"Pardon?" He coughed, his eyes widening. 

"Give me your shirt, I'm naked." I said, giving him that look like 'really?'. 

"Oh, oh!" He quickly took off his clothes, handing me my undershirt as he slipped back on the rest of his.

 "Now, what to do with you." He spoke to himself.

 "Perhaps Father will know." He effortless shrugged, "Come, we must see him, but first, what is your name?"

"Alannah Valos, but you can call me Al. 

With that, he quickly ducked under a low hanging branch before disappearing off into the forest. It took me a moment but I decided he was my best bet. He protected me from whoever rode past and clothed me, now he was offering to bring me to someone who could tell me everything I needed to know, someone who would know what to do with me. 

So, I followed him, my tiny legs racing to catch up with his.



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