~Chapter Forty~

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Chapter Forty; The Letter


... 'But what could explain it being out?'


The door opened, Mother Edna's foul scowled face appearing in the door. As she turned to shut the door, Alannah quickly stuffed the letter under her dress, pressing it against her corset so it didn't slide, just in time for Mother Edna to turn around.

Her eyes lit up, "Now, now. What were you up to?" She tutted, linking her hands together at her waist, an expectant look on her face as she gazed down at Alannah.

Immediately, Alannah broke into tears, shocking Mother Edna.

"What is it, child?" She was taken back, her voice screechy as she observed her.

"I-I w-was trying t-to l-look-"She was pretending to sob, stuttering over her words but was quickly cut off by Mother Edna, "Trying to look for a weapon? An escape route?" She guessed, pressing forward.

"I was trying to look pretty!" She wailed, tears leaking down her cheeks as she put her full effort into looking like an overwhelmed maiden who was having wardrobe problems.

Mother Edna went quiet, struggling to form words as she looked around.

"Right... well-" She let out a confused sound as she struggled to find the right words. She was not expecting this.

"I'm g-getting married t-tomorrow! I'm not pretty!" She kicked her feet beneath her, letting her hair fall over her face as she sobbed. Adding a loud sniff every now and again..

"Calm yourself, child." She ordered, "Your Lady in Waiting will be arriving tomorrow with your gown. She will do everything. Stop this fussing at once!" She demanded, "And clean up this mess. If it is not done when I return, you will suffer punishment, again. Do you understand?"

Alannah pouted, gazing up at Mother Edna with watery eyes before nodding.

"Yes, Mother Edna." Mother Edna made a 'hmph!' sound, before turning and leaving.

Alannah didn't waste time, she quickly flicked her hair out of her face, wiped the tears away before taking out the letter. She quickly ripped it open, breaking the seal before taking out the letter. She began to read.


Dear, whomever it may concern,

If you are reading this, it means you found my letter, and you're in desperate need.

I was once in your place, frightened and alone. Being forced into a marriage I neither wanted or needed.

I was already married. My husband brutally murdered in front of me. The King had ordered his death so he could have me. My children were taken away, given to a Knight who rode off with them. I haven't seen them since.

The Royal Line is corrupt. Do whatever you can to run, bigger things are in the process if they haven't already been set in action already.

The Royals aren't who they say they are. I heard King Herold mention the real Royal line, they are in hiding. Find them. Save them. They are among us, waiting for the perfect moment to take over.

I don't know why they took over, or what they want, but I am in danger, and if you are in this room, so are you. I do not know my fate, but I know yours.

I don't have the strength or courage to do what needs to be done, but I hope you do. I have hidden a knife in the walls, look for the hidden panel.

Save them, save the Kingdom and restore what is right.

- Mirabelle Lethodus



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