~Chapter Thirty-Five~

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Chapter Thirty-Five; The Rules


..."What else could they throw at me?"


The King stormed into the room, a blazing fury flashing through his eyes as his Guards quickly followed him, guarding the doorway with their swords drawn.

"How dare you, insolent little girl. I have given you everything, and you dare disrespect me in my own home." He spat as if he was talking to his child.

"Given me everything? How dare you! You've done nothing but give me torment and torture. You disgust me." Alannah spat, her cockiness quickly turning to pure unadulterated anger as she glared up at him. Her hands curled into fists as they remained pulled against the table.

Alannah didn't even have a chance to take a breath, before Salvatore lashed out, hitting her across the face. His thick golden rings breaking the skin of her cheek, droplets of blood dripped down.

She let out a shriek of pain, unable to contain her reaction as the shock of the situation overcame her. Her eyes widened as she paused, letting it sink it before she quickly turned, her shock turned to anger as her upper lip curled up.

"You're nothing but a silver spooned, ego-fueled-" Before she could finish my sentence, Salvatore stepped forward, his hand whipping out, grabbing a fistful of curly red hair before quickly thumping her head against the hard wooden table twice.

She let a scream, her voice coated in pain as she weakly pulled her head back up, her eyes dazed as small streams of blood dripped down different parts of her face, dripping off her chin onto her dress.

"Say another word, I dare you." He threatened, his body poised and ready for another attack.

Alannah let out a grumble of pain but stayed silent.

"Good. As you have been disobedient and the usual punishment seems to be ineffective, I have taken it upon myself to conduct a personal punishment.

"I won't have a disobedient, insolent Queen. If you are to be Queen. Understood?" He spat. His back straight, eyes harshly staring down upon her.

"Pity if you win. But alas, I can train your flaws out of you. I have my ways."

Alannah let out a final moan of pain, before the darkness overcame her, her head falling the final time as she drifted out of consciousness.


When Alannah had awoken, she let out a small whimper of pain, her head throbbing in anger.

"Good, you're awake. Today, we will be studying the rules of being my Queen. Failure to abide by these rules, and punishment will be inflicted." He said, sitting is his tall, leather chair that sat poised next to a crackling fireplace that sat grand and detailed.

Alannah looked around, noticing she sat on a furred seat, her frame resting in an upwards position.

"Where am I?" She asked, brushing her hair out of her face.

"Do you understand?" He repeated, his words coated in intent.

"Yes. I understand."

"Good. As Lucianna has, we will be repeating and conducting these rules until it imprints in your mind. Once we leave this room, I will not be repeating the rules. If you forget, punishment will ensue. Understood?"

She nodded, glancing around the lavish office.

"Answer with words," He snapped, "You will always answer with words."

He was quick to anger, but he remained contained as he sat in his seat.

"Yes. Yes, I understand. Jeez." She said, muttering the last word under her breath but was quickly cut off by the fierce glare he dealt her.

"You will never utter such commonfolk words. You will not talk back to me, and finally, you will not sass me. Do you understand?" He pronounced each word with a stern tone, his hands clenched by his side as he ached to hit her.

"Now, the rules to being my Queen is simple. You will not talk unless spoken to or given permission to. You will answer with yes or no answers. You will be polite and formal. You will dress appropriately and keep your appearances formal and delicate.

"You rule beside me, but not without me. You are the guide the peasants follow. If you are regal and clean, they will be. If you conduct yourself in a proper manner, they will too. If you are silent and unquestionable, they will be too.

"If you break a rule, you will be punished in front of everyone. You will be made a demonstration, that even the Queen herself must follow the rules."


He recited the rules repeatedly, his voice firm and strict as I continuously did something wrong. His list growing ever longer as we progressed.

As the sky grew darker, and my patience grew thinner, we had finally come to an end. Salvatore had deemed me ready to leave the room.

As we stood to leave, my feet progressing towards the door, he stopped me.

"Tomorrow, we will be holding a formal banquet. This is where we will announce the winner announce the coronation date. Which, of course, will be held immediately the next day. The sooner I have a Queen by my side, the quicker my plans advance." His words sent a shiver down my spine, but I gathered myself enough to answer.

"Of course, my King."


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