~Chapter Five~

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Chapter Five; The Cruel King


It was beautiful, the sound of children running or farmers haggling. If you listened closely you could hear the town whores begging to be fucked.

Everywhere you looked you could see small market stands with large umbrellas in all different coloured dyes hanging above to provide shade for the vendors.

Bayard pulled his cart to the side, stroking the horse's mane before handing them an apple that laid in a bag in the back.

"Where to first?" Milos asked, hooking a large basket around his side with a leather wrap. I could imagine that is what they used instead of modern-day grocery baskets or plastic bags to carry their items.

"We need potatoes, gloves, a proper riding dress for Alannah and we need to see if we can trade our apples for any meat." He spoke, listing the items he needs.

"A proper riding dress?" Alannah questioned, her eyes holding curiosity as she leant down to grab the small bag of gold that was hidden under ropes and blankets, her soft hands quickly tucking them under her skirt, attaching it to a make-shift pocket that she fashioned herself.

She had heard tales of Milos been robbed and the guards doing nothing because they were just farmers holding no titles or worth. Of course, Bayard had never been robbed, his stature was tall and bulky from doing farm work, being able to lift everything from a bag of apples to a cart. Unlike his son, who was tall but his frame much smaller than his alike father.

As they strolled through the market square -being located in the middle of the town- Alannah couldn't help but tune into the whispers of the people.


"Have you heard, the king has gone mad looking for the perfect bride."

"I heard he slaughtered an entire town, taking all the eligible women. No one has heard of them since."

"I'm scared he's going to come looking here, Sylvia." One woman spoke to another as they spoke in hushed whispers in the corner.

"He isn't going to stop for anything until he finds her." An old lady sighed.

"I hope he picks me, Darla. I'd be the perfect Queen." A woman with blonde hair spoke, her red lips pursed in a smile.

"Arabella, compose yourself. If anything he'd pick me." Another giggled.

"Oh you two, you're nothing but a couple of giggling swine. I'd be the perfect bride." A sassy black haired woman chimed in, flicking her pin straight hair behind her back.

"He might be a mad King, but I'm mad for his king." A whore said as she licked her parched lips.

"I heard, he takes potential women and puts them on trial, when they fail they are let go in the forest and hunted down with the hounds and fed as food. "

"I'd do anything to be a Queen, even if he put us in an arena and made us fight, Beatrice. I would do it." One woman said with a fierce look in her eye, "You'd do it and die, Lilac." Her friend retorted.

"Have you seen his right-hand man? Oh have mercy on me, he is gorgeous."

"I heard his right-hand man murdered his first wife because she was too soft-hearted and didn't please him in bed." Her friend just sighed,

"Don't be so crude, young ladies." Their mother scolded, hitting their back of their heads with her hands.

"Besides, I heard his wife broke a rule and is now residing in the dungeon until she is forgiven. But, alas that is just a rumour of course. She could be living the high life devouring pork right now. What I'd give for fresh pork."


Alannah just sighed as she passed, her attention snapping to a beautiful gown that hung in the windowsill of a shop. Her delicate hand gently resting on the glass that stood in front of the dress. She couldn't tear her eyes away for it, it was beyond anything she could ever imagine.

The dress was blood red and a bright golden. It had long sleeves the hung around the hands and a beautiful red hood that trailed around the edges an enchanting gold. The middle of the front was all cold that stood out in an eye-catching way, and right at the top was a corset like, tie that held the red sleeves together. It was almost like underneath was a bright gold dress and over the top was blood red cape, except it was all laced together with the most beautiful design.

It was almost impossible to tear her eyes away from the dress, but reluctantly- with pursed red lips- she turned away seeking out Milos.


Finally, I found Milos. I watched from afar as he attempted to banter with a beautiful, tall leged blonde woman, his arm raising as he attempted to lean on the brick wall... only to completely miss judge the distant and fall flat onto the ground. I couldn't take it anymore and let out a cackle, bending down to put my hands on my knees as I laughed, quickly ignoring the judgemental glances from passerbys. Hearing my life, Milos jumped to his feet, glaring at me before calling out to the retreating woman

"Goddamit, Al" He swore, running his hand through his hair.

"That wasn't my fault!" I defended my hands in the air. "That was all you, man. All you." I chuckled at his flushed face.

"Well, you can't say I didn't try." Milos sulked, I felt bad. I knew after our talk on the way here, he wanted to get out there for the first time. But since it was his first time, he obviously didn't know what to do.

"Oh, Milos. How you have so much to learn." With that, I linked my arm with his and went strolling to find his father.

"First, you can't just jump straight into the deep end, you have to start in the shallow end first." I started,

"Oh have mercy, you're actually going there." Milos groaned.

"Hush now, child. You have so much to learn."


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