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They said:

Go away
Don't talk to me
Leave me alone
You idiot


I can't cry
Even though my eyes are wet
I won't lie
You can see my smile isn't there

No, wait.
I'm not willing to
Write lyrics tonight

No poem
No feelings

Just the truth

I'm so anxious
Nervous, stressed
I need to hit the walls
Of my school
Break them all
Bring them down
To hell
I hate my world
I'm desperate
I made my thumb bleed today
My blood's so sweet
Don't you think?
You usually drink me out
Just because I'm weak
Isn't it funny
How the wheel will spin?
I'm crying right now
Isn't it funny I said I can't? You know.. cry
I wanted to kill myself today
They made me think about it
I took a knife
And I put it close to my wrist
Just to see how
How, it'll look like
But I couldn't do it
I don't want to do it
And I won't do it
I'm scared
It's wrong
I have a life to live
I have people to love
And get love from
I'm not alone
I just feel alone
And I can't explain
This feeling
And you can't
Just understand it
Cause you're not me
You are you
And we, people
Can never truly
And fully understand
Someone's pain
Better than ours
Get used to it
This is a new me
The new me
The bad me
Or the better me
I hate both
I don't know
Who I wanna be
Because I already don't like
Who I am
And as I keep
Existing like that
The gap between me and myself
Is getting bigger
And I'm the saddest happy person
You'll meet

Snakes, cats and stupid owls
Hope you are smart enough
To see that you are just some
Dirty, disgusting animals
That get in my way to
To I dont know what or where

Don't answer

I said, don't

Έγραψα αυτή τη σκέψη πολύ καιρό πριν, οπότε μην πανικοβάλλεστε, δεν ισχύουν έτσι όλα αυτά τώρα. Εννοείται πως αυτήν την περίοδο είμαι οκ. Οπότε μην σχολιάσετε πράγματα τύπου "Είσαι καλά;" κλπ γιατί είμαι καλά 😂😘😘

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