Υπερβολικά Χρώματα🌴💐

51 12 12

You tried to throw up your fears
And you failed, you fell, you're full of tears

Hold on
You'll have somebody later on, in life
Cause you are on the path to the moonlight

Please don't get drunk,
don't smoke your fears
Don't force yourself to drugs of your tears

Hold on
You already have somebody right here
Open up your windows
What a nice home you're in, dear

What if I don't like it there?
I'm gonna be all alone
But if I have you

I can see my dark blue, changing tone

What if I can't help it?
Am I walking the dead-flowers road?
Well, if I got you

My heart will blossom in million tones

Νεφελοβάτης / NefelibataWhere stories live. Discover now