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Mark woke up with a sneeze, followed by two more sneezes

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Mark woke up with a sneeze, followed by two more sneezes.

He was suddenly dazed by the sunlight when he quickly sat up in his chair, realizing he fell asleep at his desk (now he's sore everywhere, great), left the curtains open and didn't close his window.

Mark remained seated for a solid minute, waiting for his eyes to readjust to the lighting.

...Only it didn't.

The boy tried to stand up while putting his hand on his desk to help him push himself up, only for him to fall face flat on the floor and sneeze again.

'Oh great'


Donghyuck was surprised by the amount of whispers and looks he got the moment he stepped into his classroom. He looked around, confused, before joining his friends in the corner of the classroom, near the second entrance.

"What rumor was spread about me again today?"

Jisung paused before answering "That you have a crush on someone"

Donghyuck blinked, then slowly turned his head towards Jisung, his composure still but his eyes full of anger "Are you fucking serious?"

His hands noticeably curled into fists, but Jisung wasn't actually really scared, since he was used to his anger tendencies, Donghyuck never really harmed any of them either... He was still kinda scared though.

"Relax, they all still think you're straight" Jaemin arrived at the scene, like always, a few minutes after Donghyuck.

During one of the longer breaks, Donghyuck remained at his seat with his head resting between his arms, trying to nap.

A few taps on his desk woke him up. The red-head slowly sat up and stretched his sore limbs while simultaneously readjusting his eyes to the bright lighting of the classroom. He didn't even check who came to see him "Yes...?"

Mina raised her eyebrow at him, hands on her hips. She was standing on the side of his desk.

"Hello? Are you awake yet Lee Donghyuck? I have to talk to you about Mark"

He was suddenly more awake when hearing his name. He finally turned his head towards her, his arms still stretching to shake off the soreness.

"He's sick, so he told me to tell you he can't work today. Can you give me your phone? I'll insert his phone number"

Now he was the one raising his eyebrow at her "Why should I give you my phone? How should I know that you're not trying to go through my personal information or insert your own phone number?"

She rolled her eyes, yet still extended her hand towards him, palm facing up "Mark doesn't recite his phone number aloud for personal reasons. Plus, I've never talked to you before, I can't be interested in you"

"You never know, some people have crushes on people they don't even talk to"

She blinked, but then nodded "You're right, but he needs to communicate with you directly, he can't always transfer messages through someone else"

"Yeah, sure he can" He said as he pulled out his phone from his pocket anyway and handed it over to her, quickly unlocking it with a swipe.

She snickered while searching for the contacts app "I don't understand people who have plain boring lockscreens, don't you have any more interests?" Mina quickly typed in Mark's phone number and gave it back to him "Text him if you're still in doubt"

"And if they're just impersonating him?"

"Don't be so paranoid Lee Donghyuck. You know what? Just call him instead, I'm sure that'll be more reassuring" She responded almost sarcastically, she turned to leave but bumped into a small figure "Oh excuse me-" But the smaller figure didn't seem to appreciate Mina's apology.

She looked at her, confused "Can I... help you...?"

The girl's expression hardened "No, you can not, but you can do me a favor" Instead of moving out of the way, she continued walking ahead, forcing Mina to back away herself, till they were back to Donghyuck's desk.

"Both of you can do me a favor" Donghyuck stared at his classmate that was pointing fingers at both of them, her name Byunghee.

He thought she was always... weird. He never got to pinpoint which kind of weird though, but it was definitely not a good one.

Byunghee squinted at the two "I know both of you have something for Mark Lee"

Donghyuck blinked, while Mina scoffed "Yeah, a platonic friendship"

"Really? Is that why you're always clinging to him?"

"Dang he's my best friend of course I would cling to him. You wouldn't say I have a crush on Sejeong if I'm always clinging to her right? Exactly"

Donghyuck laughed "Seriously? Me? A crush on Mark? I barely even talk to him"

"Well you never know, some people have crushes on people they don't even talk to" Byunghee repeated the previous words he had said to Mina.

Mina and Donghyuck looked both stunned and creeped out.

'Was this bitch eavesdropping on our conversation? She sits on the other end of class in the front row!'

He shook his head to snap back into reality "So you're saying I can have a crush on anyone I don't talk to? You know I just talk to... not even 5 people and we're at least 800 in this entire school, are you saying I have a crush on the other 795 students?"

Byunghee crossed her arms "I see the way you look at him"

"What does that even mean? You sit right in front!"

"So you do look at him"


Donghyuck sighed in exasperation "Because he's always raising his hand to answer questions"

"Right, as if I would believe you. Anyway both of you need to keep your distances, Mark Lee is mine and I will make him fall in love with me. Just you wait" Byunghee then stormed off to her seat across the room.

Mina watched her stomp away "And that's one of the reasons why Mark doesn't want to recite his phone number aloud"

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