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"Coming!" Mark yelled from the top of the stairs before hurrying down to the front door, blanket wrapped around his body.

He was greeted by Jeno's smile when he opened the door "Hey, here's your homework that you asked for" The boy handed him a thin stack of paper, flinching when they touched hands "Jeez your hands are cold, haven't you been bed ridden all day?"

Mark sniffed and thanked him, tightening the white and blue blanket around him "I have, but sometimes I just gotta reach for my composition book ya know" He spotted a figure in the background, they waved at each other when they made eye contact "Working on the project?" "Yeah, Renjun insisted on getting it done as fast as possible, I guess he got that habit from you," Both laughed.

Jeno's expression suddenly turned serious when he spotted Mark's mother in the background, he lowered his voice "Your mother was not mad at you?" He looked at him strangely "For what?" "Well, falling sick. I still remember hearing her yelling at you 3 years ago through the phone when you caught a cold for staying outside too long..."

Mark let out a defeated sigh "She did..."

'How could you forget closing the windows? How many times have I repeated to you to close them when night was falling? Did you leave them open because you were mad for what your father and I said last night? Are you that petty to make yourself sick to miss a day of school? You might as well just buy yourself a motorcycle and get a fake ID to buy alcohol'

Jeno's expression softened. He patted his shoulder "Cheer up, get better soon hyung"

Mark nodded with a small smile "Thanks, good luck on your project Jeno" He closed the door and climbed back up to his room.

After a few minutes, the door bell rang again and Mark had to go back down to open it.

"Jeno did you forget someth- Oh, Donghyuck"

Donghyuck gave an awkward smile "Hey, I was wondering if we could advance our project-"

"But I'm sick"

"I know, I'll work while you can just watch and comment, don't worry. You also hold all the books we borrowed from the library about music therapy so... It's not like I can do much on my own," He stepped in and took off his shoes while Mark closed the door "Nice blanket by the way, whales are nice"

Mark unknowingly blushed "Oh, uh thanks"

"Mom! A friend's here for our project, we'll be working in my room" He quickly warned his mother, she nodded without even glancing at them. Donghyuck let his bag down and sat on the ground once they arrived in their bedroom, right next to the pile of books sitting at the end of Mark's bed.

Mark sat on the corner of his bed, his legs tucked in with his blanket still wrapped around his form "I told you you didn't have to come... We have time to catch up anyway"

CRUSHIN' PROJECT. markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now