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Finally! Their project was going to take an end today

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Finally! Their project was going to take an end today.

It was time to present the final product of their projects.

Donghyuck was busy setting up the coroplast and adjusting final touches while Mark stood on the other end of the coroplast holding tape in his hand and laughing at something Donghyuck said a few seconds ago. He put a few objects behind the plastic cardboard to make sure it holds up and instructs his team mate to install the speaker.

As the two are busying themselves, a voice calls out for Mark from the door, right next to where they were installed. He lifts his head up to check who called him and sees Doyoung walk through the door with Jaehyun trailing behind him with his hands in his pockets.

"Is this what you've been working on? I've never seen you do something like this" Both seniors walk to a point where they can get a good look at their presentation, proud smiles hanging on their lips.

Mark smiled sheepishly "Yeah well... I wouldn't have done it without-"

Donghyuck cleaned up and continued without paying much attention to the two because he was used to giving everyone Mark attention and putting him aside. He didn't blame them. Everyone put him on a lower pedestal than Mark since they both have different labels.

"This doesn't look like something Mark would usually do. It's much more colorful, did you do that?" Donghyuck heard Jaehyun ask in the background.

At first he was a little too zoned out to notice that he was speaking to him till he only heard a silence and no response after the question. He snapped his head up to Jaehyun's direction, who possessed a small but genuine smile "Huh? Oh, uh, yeah. I thought it looked a little dull in black and white so I figured it would be nice to add some colors. People tend to be more drawn to stuff that pops out and one of the criterias of the project is aesthetic and knowing Mark is an overachiever I kinda just went all out" He shrugged.

Doyoung stepped towards him and wrapped his arm around his neck to ruffle his hair "Who knew you were such a hard worker, good job" Donghyuck felt his heart thump as he wasn't used to getting praised other than from his step-mother, and Mark.

"Oh, uh thanks..."

"Wait hold on aren't you two supposed to be in class?" Mark perked up at the realization.

Doyoung looked at his watch "Ah, you're right we've been gone for 15 minutes-"

"15 minutes!?"

"We'll go back in 5, see you later Mark!" Doyoung waved and left with Jaehyun by his side. He swore he saw them lace fingers the last second before they disappeared out of the door frame.

As they leave, another ruckus pops up.

"I TOLD you that you didn't have to shake it, you mixed up all the chemicals inside. No wonder it came out screwed up after you took it AND shook it" Mina huffed as she crossed arms in front of Seungwoo. Mark's friends stood in front of a classmate's project on photography, they were referring to the section about taking pictures with polaroid cameras.

"Come on! How was I supposed to know?"

"You wasted your films! They cost a lot too"

"Awe, so nice that you care"

"I'm just saying you should save up so we could go out more often and you have enough to buy food!"

"Oh, you'd like to go on more dates?"

Mark has never seen Mina go so red and flustered.

"You guys went on a date?" Mark walked up to them while Donghyuck headed to see his other friends at another project stand.

Mina snorted "I didn't even know it was one when he asked me to get ice cream with him and check out these new cafes till Seungwoo asked if I enjoyed spending time with him and this 'date'. I should've known though, since he paid for everything" A light blush brushed against Seungwoo's cheeks .

It wasn't unusual for them to hang out all three of them together or the remaining two when one is busy, but what made it different is that everyone usually pays for themselves since they're all "broke". That's why if Seungwoo did pay for everything, something more was going on.

"Awe man, now I'll always be third wheeling you guys" Mark pouted.

"You third wheeling with us? More like us third wheeling with you and Donghyuck" Seungwoo leaned back against the table.

Mark tilted his head in confusion "Huh? What do you mean?"

They both rolled their eyes "As if you guys haven't been caught in your own worlds while sitting in front of us. Library, cafetaria, wherever that may be. Don't even get me started on how your eyes sparkle and your smile big when you talk about him and the things you do together!"

"He's just a really good friend!"

"He does the same to you too, ya know. I don't know if you've noticed but he's been much more bright ever since you guys started being around each other more. Come on, don't deny it, we like seeing you happy" Mina rests a hand on Mark's shoulder.

He stares at them for a few seconds and looks over his shoulder at Donghyuck standing in front of Jeno, Renjun and Jaemin.


Meanwhile, when Donghyuck approached Jeno surrounded by Renjun and Jaemin who had his arms around their shoulders while the two are glaring at each other, things went somewhat the same way.

"Guys... Guys please calm down..." Jeno replied with a nervous laugh.

With his hands shoved in his pockets, Renjun snorted and continued to stare at Renjun who was glaring at him back "Look at him. He's tiny, he can't hurt me"

"You wanna bet?" Jeno pulled Renjun back in a swift move before he could jump at Jaemin "O-KAYYY guys calm DOWN. First of all, Jaemin, stop being a bully to Renjun, he's nice you just have to get to know him," He turned to the other "You too Renjun, Jaemin's not that bad if you just give him a chance"

"Right... as if I really want to give him one..."

Jeno finally let go of the two and crossed his arms over his chest "Well, now you have to! Renjun, you told me you always wanted to learn how to skate right? Jaemin can teach you, he's pretty good!" He looked at him with a smile, fully aware Jaemin is glaring at him, because Jeno knows how Jaemin loves skateboarding and genuinely enjoys teaching and talking to people about it.

"Don't worry, he won't kill you! I'll be there too. It'll mean no harm, right Donghyuck?"

He stared at them "Oh, so now you acknowledge my presence?"

"I'm more surprised you didn't burst into the middle of the conversation" Jeno stated.

Donghyuck shrugged "Yeah whatever, Mark's gonna kick my ass if his friend gets hurt and it's because of my friends, so yeah, Jaemin, you better not pull any tricks or I'll kick your ass myself"

Jaemin rolled his eyes "Sure, whatever you say" He gives them a wave and leaves them to see other classmates.

Jeno follows him, but not before he pats Donghyuck's shoulder as he walked past him and telling him "You make a good match with Mark"


barely reviewed so,,, sorry if it's crappy

have everything planned but the problem is finding the motivation to write lol i lost about all motivation since college started,,, i'm just determined to finish what i started

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