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It was already getting dark when Donghyuck came home

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It was already getting dark when Donghyuck came home.

He unlocked the door with an unconscious smile hanging on his lips, almost forgetting the bad and unsettling feeling he has whenever he gets home while his adoptive family is still awake. As soon as closed the door behind him and starting taking off his boots at the entrance, he made eye contact with his adoptive siblings, who glared at him before running upstairs. They were both younger than him, one sister and one brother. They've never really liked him ever since he got introduced to the family, neither did Donghyuck honestly.

He sighed and finished taking off his winter coat and scarf. Quickly greeting his adoptive mother, he marched upstairs to his room... Only to find his siblings rummaging through his things and making more of a mess than it already is.

"Hey! The hell are you guys doing?!" The siblings looked up and grabbed a few objects in their arms before sprinting pass him and into their room, giggling. Before Donghyuck could even catch them, they slammed the door of their room and locked it. He heard the small click coming from the doorknob.

He gritted his teeth and continued his way to his own room, slamming his door closed.

'Fuck how could I forget locking my door?'

His siblings always took the opportunity if they saw a chance to wreak havoc in his room and mess up his life. They were the real devils.

Donghyuck was in a hurry to go see the musical this morning even if he ended up late, so he forgot to lock the door of his room, which he usually always does whenever he leaves.

Instead of cleaning the mess that was made into his room and make a quick checklist of what may be missing like usual, he just dropped onto his bed buried his face into his pillow. Being in a rush and late to the meet up location before the musical, being alone with Mark, now his siblings messing around him again? Too many emotions in one day, too little energy to care.

'You know... maybe I should listen to the few discs Mark lended me to start deciding what song to do for the show...' Donghyuck finally sat up and looked at the spot on the floor next to the corner of his bed, where the stack of discs were supposed to be.

Keywords: supposed to.

His brain was still processing that they were gone before he jumped up and sprinted out of his room, calling out his siblings in a frustrated manner.


i wrote this back in august but never published it until now lol

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