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It was a Saturday morning when Mark rushed out of the bus "Oh god I'm so late!"

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It was a Saturday morning when Mark rushed out of the bus "Oh god I'm so late!"

Arriving at his destination, he quickly knocked on the door and bent down, with his hands on his knees to support himself, to catch his breath.

Someone opened the door and chuckled at the sight "You could've taken your time, I don't mind" Taeyong turned around to head back inside, leaving the door open for Mark to come in.

Catching his breath for another minute, Mark stepped in and closed the door behind him. He excitedly joined Taeyong in his small, self-made studio.

Taeyong already graduated from high school and is now attending college, he was studying in music, the same program Mark planned on going in too, even if he still had plenty of time to think about his future and even if his parents probably wouldn't allow it and pushed towards law, engineering or even health, but none of those really spoke to him, he felt in his element when he thought of music.

Mark and Taeyong often met up to produce and compose things together, or even just to talk and hang out once in a while. Their few ages of difference didn't really matter to them, Mark looked up to Taeyong and Taeyong thought Mark had a lot of talent in him and liked the passion he held for music, just as much as he did. The two didn't hold the 'mentor-trainee' type of relationship, it was just pure friendship.

After working on some songs and composing together and sharing what they've both made ever since the last time they've met up, they decided to take a break and catch up on each other's lives.

"Ten's also busy with choreographing new dances, so we haven't really had the time to spend time together. Though we plan on taking the next semester off and going on a road trip with other friends, it's still a subject to discuss" Taeyong chuckled, reminiscing not-so-distant memories.

Ten was Taeyong's boyfriend, they've been dating for only a few months though they act like they've been dating for longer than that. Mark hasn't met him in person yet, he's only seen pictures or videos of him. They did once meet each other through video call though! It was when Mark couldn't be there for a show Taeyong was participating in, so Taeyong decided to video call him to give him a "backstage pass" and introduced Ten to him since he was participating in the same show.

"What about you? You said you were doing an opening number with your friends and one by yourself right?" asked Taeyong.

Mark averted his eyes from him and scratched the back of his neck nervously "Ah yes, well..."

Taeyong raised his eyebrow as he was about to take another sip from his coffee "What's wrong?"

Mark finally looked back at him "I'm not doing the number by myself anymore..."

Taeyong put his mug down "What do you mean? You're not doing it anymore? Mark-"

"No! I'm still doing it, just with someone else..."

He stared at him.

"...You're smiling"

Mark jumped "Huh? Really?"

A smile crept onto Taeyong's lips, like he's about to hear real gossip "Who are you doing it with? How much do you like them?"

Mark sighed, but now consciously smiling "He was just my project partner, but I heard him sing and play piano and I felt like I really wanted to do the number with him, his voice is really nice"

"Huh, I'd like to hear how this voice sounds since you seem so mesmerised by it, guess I'll really have to cancel all my plans that day to attend the show"

"Not only did he accept my proposition, but Doyoung hyung also invited us to go see a musical with him and Jaehyun, the one where the legendary senior Kim Junmyeon is casted in!"

Taeyong laughed at his excitement and enthusiast "Tell me more about that guy who's not only your project partner but also your new music partner now?"

"To start off, his name is Donghyuck. He doesn't have the best reputation, he even gave me the wrong directions on purpose on my first day... and when it was announced that we were project partners by the teacher, i..."

Taeyong couldn't believe for how long he talked about this 'Donghyuck', but he believed that this same boy ignited something in Mark, whether it's something about himself, or added fuel to his passion for music .

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