Chapter 8

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Niall tackled me to the floor smearing chocolate all over my face. I sighed crossing my arms, "I give up." I stated closing my eyes. I felt his hands up up my waist and my eyes widened staring at him as he leaved down. I closed my eyes again ready to enjoy the moment- "AHHHHH!" I heard and Niall was shoved off of me and to the floor, Liam knocked him over trying to run.

I laughed standing up and helped Niall up as well. We walked to the kitchen to find Harry and Katie smirking at Zayn. Poor guy. He was covered in caramel, pouting as he sat at the table. "Um... Let's get cleaned up." I suggested laughing. I saw Kayleigh sigh and put down her spoon making Liam gasp in relief. "Don't ever do that... Never!" He begged hugging her.

She laughed. We got showers and ready for bed. Kayleigh and the boys decided to stay the night. Louis eventually came come bringing his new friend with him. Jenny was sweet and thought it was hilarious about the food fight. "I've still got powder donut in my ear!" Katie complained and Harry nodded. "Yeah, I CAN BARELY HEAR YOU!" He shouted but it was obvious he didn't mean to yell. "I'm going to bed!" I called out saying goodnight.


I walked down the stairs happily as I finally was officially ready for the day! "Good morning!" I greeted grabbing a plate Harry and Katie fixed. I sat next to Jenny and Louis, Niall and Zayn across from me. "Where's Liam and Kayleigh?" I asked drinking my orange juice. "taking a walk." Harry answered as he and Katie joined us. "What do you wanna do today?" Niall asked me grinning.

I smirked. "Race cars?" I asked and we all grinned evilly. We all finished and got ready. I grabbed my phone and called the place. We went to the cart racing or whatever place but Zayn stopped us. "Hey guys, I'm not feeling too good." He said looking sick and it was bad. "That's fine, Zayn. How about you go to that cafe over there and eat something that will help it." I suggested smiling. He nodded. "Thanks." he mumbled walking away from us and to the diner.

I sighed getting in my car and it was epic. They made me wear a helmet and I got the red flames car it was awesome! Too bad I had to gave another person in my cart! Niall jumped in next to me and I glared at him pulling on my helmet. "What?" He asked pulling on his. "I wanted to beat your butt in this, not be a team mate." I complained. "Heck! How will this even work?!" He asked grabbing his wheel. I sighed.

"Just listen to me and you'll be fine. At least the others have to do it too." I smirked and turned the key and it roared to life. I laughed evilly going up to the starting line and the others joined. As the buzzer went off, Niall and I slammed our foots for it to go fast as possible. We gonna win this!!!!!!

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