Chapter 15

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"What's wrong with her?" a voice asked but I wasn't really awake enough to identify it. "She fainted from getting too excited. Please try to keep her heart beating regularly." My eyelids flickered a bit and I squinted at the light. "Turn off the light!" Niall demanded shutting off the big light and I opened my eyes. It was dim now so I could see all right. I sat up a bit. "Niall..." I trailed off. "Yes?" he asked and his head popped up from my right and he looked worriedly at me. I bit my lip looking around the room. I sat up some more to find everyone staring at me. I blushed looking down to the floor. Niall smiled at me and grabbed my hand, helping me up. "That was embarrassing." I mumbled against his chest as we headed down the halls.


"The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed!" Sang Liam as he looked to Kayleigh and smiled as they sang/hummed What Makes You Beautiful as we headed back to my house. Niall and Louis just hummed instead of singing. Which Jenny and I noticed. "Why aren't you two singing?" I asked and Jenny nodded as if asking the same question. Niall looked to the floor shrugging. "We aren't really singing much in the song. Or should I say songs?" Louis asked his voice becoming bitter. Harry looked to Louis shocked at his tone, Louis usually wasn't upset over anything. But both Niall and Louis looked angry over the matter.

"What do you mean by that, Louy?" Harry asked and Liam and Zayn frowned. "We all know they turn down Niall's and my mic's." Louis said bitterly. "It's just the way things are. We aren't good enough, we're just for looks." Niall mumbled sadly. Liam shook his head. "You have many solos in Stole My Heart, Niall." He argued. Niall and Louis huffed dramatically. "Yay, one song when one of us gets a few parts. The only part people really get to hear us both is in More Than This. How come you three get all the rest? They tried to change our voices in the studio!" Louis said slapping his hand to his knee. "They turn down your mic?" Asked Harry surprised. "Oh come on, you never wondered why you can't hear Louy and I?" Niall asked. "I saw them when Louy was singing. They switched it on low, and then turned up Harry's to cover the fact Louis wasn't even being heard!" Niall glared at Harry. "Oh my gosh, I had no idea!" Harry said and they all began to argue. Suddenly I got a great idea. "Guys! I have an idea!" I said excitedly. They turned to me confused. "What is it?" Niall asked. I smirked. "Let's get some payback on management." I stated.

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