Chapter 10

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DING DING! And that's the sound that made Zayn and I jump and look to the door in surprise. Niall grinned not realizing what we were just about to do. "Hey guys, let's go!" "Okay!" I said and Zayn took note to how happy and relieved I sounded. I frowned awkwardly standing up. "Come on, Zayn!" I said cheerfully and he followed closely behind. I have a bad feeling this car ride is going to be very awkward. I turned my head slightly to see Niall glaring daggers at Zayn and mumbling something I couldn't hear enough to comprehend. I sighed and smiled to Niall and he stopped talking to Zayn and caught up with me.

--- Hours Later ---

I sighed staring out the window at the sky as I sat at the kitchen table. Bored to death. "Lauren..." I heard Niall trail off as he walked in. Everyone was at the movies but Niall suggested we stay back for some reason. Which I was kinda upset at him for. My friends get to watch Peeta Mellark and I had to stay home with Nialler. "Yeah." I said. "I want to show you something." He said smiling shyly and stretched out his hand for me to take. I bit my lip nervously. "Does it have to do with pranking?" I asked chuckling. "No." "Does it have to do with any zoo animals?" "Nope!" He said popping the P. I laughed taking it and he helped me up and strangely, he didn't let go of my hand as he pulled me out the door. Lets hope this won't be anything that will give me nightmares tonight!

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