Chapter 16

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"It's gotta be you!" the boys sang on stage as I nervously twiddled with my hands as some super visor stared at me in a judging way. She adjusted her glasses and looked down to her notes making sure everything was in order for the concert. We were in the lounging room backstage. I blew out a breath of air and she glared at me menacingly. I bit my lip, "Is something wrong?" I asked innocently. "The boys don't usually bring girls back here. What is your problem?" She asked sternly. I shrugged. "I'm their friend..." I trailed off. She sighed. "Somethings up and I know it." I smirked, "Get used to me being around." I mumbled and waited. The concert ended and they came back stage. "Lavern, leave her alone." They said and the woman stood up stiffly. She walked ahead of us in her tight lady suit and the boys rolled their eyes. "Be right back, I need a shower!" Niall said and they all left to the showers. Good thing because they were all sweaty. Suddenly Lavern's phone started ringing. She picked it up and answered with a rude, Hello. "What? No!" Pause. "No way, they are not doing that." She argued. Pause. "I don't care what the boys want, that could cause so much damage to the park." pause. "NO!" pause. "Okay, okay just don't fire me..." She sighed frustratedly. "Fine. I'll call the press but I swear this will end in disaster." she hung up. I smirked to myself as we headed to the car. Oh it was gonna be so much fun!

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