Chapter 23

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"Sir, you can't go in there!" said a nurse trying to hold me back but I pushed pass her. "LAUREN!" I screamed running towards the room where they were treating her. "She's not breathing!" The doctor yelled in alarm as I tried forcing myself in the room but they stopped me. "You are not authorized to be here." Said a doctor and pushed me away but I slipped into the room anyways. "Lauren!" I said kneeling beside her as they tried taking me out of the room. A security guard picked me up and started forcing me out. I took one last glance and saw the nurse pull the sheet over her head. "It's over." The doctor announced and I burst into tears, sitting down on the bench and sobbed in agony that she was dead. The boys ran up and the girls gave me hugs. "It's all going to be okay." They tried to reassure but I was crying so hard I couldn't make sense of anything. I cried for hours until they finally urged me to just go home. I tried to swallow back my tears as I walked towards the exit, desperately wanting to go home and cry even more. I sat in the passenger seat as we started to leave the hospital. "WAIT!" A nurse ran out and waved to us frantically. Louis stopped the car and rolled down the window. She was panting because she was out of breath but I could still make out the words. "Lauren... Miracle... She's.. Breathing. She's alive." That's all she had to say. I flew the door open and ran back inside and went up to where she was being kept. Security tried to grab me but I shoved them out of the way and burst open the door and ran to Lauren. "Lauren?" I asked staring at her biting my lip. She didn't open her eyes. I leaned over and kissed her gently and pulled away. Her eyes fluttered open and I grinned. "Thank goodness." I breathed out slamming my lips to hers. I didn't care if security and everyone was watching. I love her so freaking much!

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