Chapter 14

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Niall shut and locked my door and I sat on the bed sighing. "So, wanna talk?" He asked and sat down beside me. "Niall, with the health thing going on... I'm not sure if I want a boyfriend right now." I mumbled sadly. He shrugged nodding. "I can respect that." he said sadly. "But I want you to stay around until it gets bad. When I'm checked into the hospital, please go... okay?" I asked begging him with my eyes staring into his. "Okay..." "Promise?" I asked leaning down a bit. He gulped looking hesitant to agree but soon nodded seeing my pleading eyes. "I promise." I smiled brightly, "Good. I want to see you preform as well so when could you do that?" I asked grinning. "Hmm... I could set something up in a month or two." He said as I leaned in closer. He closed his eyes and tried to kiss me but I put my finger to his lips stopping him. "Nah ah ah." I said and he opened his eyes. "No boyfriend, remember?" I asked. He sighed, "Not just a small kiss?" He asked. I sighed kissing his cheek. "That's not why I meant." He said sadly. I kissed his cheek again... And again and kissed the edge of his lips but then pulled away. I blushing smiling. "There. Just a small kiss." I stated. "What happened with you and Zayn?" He asked with an edge to his tone. "Well, I handled whatever what was going on in his head. We've agreed to be just friends." "That's a relief." Niall mumbled. "Why?" I asked confused. "Who knows?" He asked and stood up walking out of my room. I groaned following him. "STARSHIPS WERE MEANT TO FLY!" I heard one of the boys shouting and we walked down stairs laughing. When suddenly I doubled over, feeling a huge cramp and I felt like I was about to throw up. "LAUREN!"

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