Chapter 5

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[Minty's P.O.V.]

Once I finished the bread Ed gave me,I marched over to my hut. I'm still saltier than the beach we are standing in, well, living on right now. My hut isnt small ok!? It only has a small doorway because Im 5'5 while Ed & Yukie are giants compared to me. They can fit in the hut no problem,just have difficulty getting through the door. I went & claimed the few things I had in the hut which was just my beanie then went to the tree that had my bags still hanging from the branch that's like a hook. I sighed then went to the dome & looked for the room that was mine. Once I did,I dropped my things on the bed I probably won't be using due to me not sleeping. Sleep is for the weak, fight me if you disagree. Im smol & I will win because I have magic & I'm too cute to be hit.

"Now that that's ready...."I mumbled before rushing to my cargo plane & began to move some of the stuff from it into the dome. Mainly just the stuff I had marked as only for me that I put in my room. I then put the stuff I bought for Ed & Yukie & put it in their rooms. I left the rest of the stuff I wasn't sure what to do with yet for Ed to decide. It was mainly all the food,the cooking supplies, the entertainment stuff & a few extra things that I left in there. I went back into my room, dropped my belt since wearing a belt with a skirt is weird,put on my beanie & walked back to Yukie & Ed while carrying Midnight.

"Can you put me down please?" a voice said as I sat down. I looked around confused.

"Did anyone else hear that?" Yukie ask me since she also heard the voice. Ed yawned a bit since he slightly dozed off & looked around, confused but alert.

"Hear what?" he asked.

"Minty & I heard a voice" Yukie said as she got up. She was mainly trying to get away from midnight since she doesn't like cats sadly.

"Im in Minty's arms."the voice said again. I jumped the looked at Midnight.

"You talk!??!" I screamed in astonishment while letting him go.

"Uh,no... I mean meow" he said. I laughed & hugged him. This was really cool!

"Great, a talking cat is with us." Yukie said while glaring at Midnight, unamused.

"Good thing I'm already dead,otherwise you would probably kill me." Midnight stated cleverly before running off.

"No,I would just send you to live off in the forest far away from us." Yukie said. I pouted as Midnight ran to my room. I then smiled & stood on top of the table.

"Let's have dessert!" I squealed before Ed picked me up from off the table.

He said with a heavy sigh "That's the Table, Minty. It's where we eat. Manners. I know you're excited and all but still." I growled at him before he set me down.

"Don't hold me like that! Makes me feel even smaller than I am!" I shouted. I was about to kick him before he gave me half a piece of French bread.

"Calm down now. There. Bread." he mumbled. I snatched the bead & sat at the table purring.

"All is forgiven from tonight."I squealed before nomming on the bread like the smol precious bean I am.

"Oooo,I found how to make you forgive me how interesting!" Ed laughed and shined his glasses before I stuck my tongue out at him. I finished eating my bread before pulling my cooler out. I got out more cheesecake for myself & gave the ice cream to Ed & Yukie. After that,I rushed to my room & ate the cheesecake before passing out from lack of sleep.

"You need to stop refusing to sleep then you wouldn't pass out!" I heard Ed shout before I was fully asleep cuddling with my panda plushie named Lloyd. 

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