Chapter 10

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[Eiden's P.O.V]

The Black mass Yukie showed me was something I had seen before, and it wasn't nice. Last time an experiment of some fanatical scientists with the "demon rift" (as they called it) went awry. Enveloping the whole lab in this kind of black mass.

I was incharge of the evacuation and control team. And we had to blast the whole place with an orbital Ion strike.

Not going to do that here again, we have Minty's Magic. Though I don't think it's magic, there is a logical explanation to Minty's unlimited power and potential. I just haven't worked on finding it yet. Maybe one day, she'll allow me.

For now we need to get rid of that mess. If I'm right, it's the same stuff from back then. And if that's correct, I think Yukie's dad is somehow involved in it.

"Minty, code red. Yukie's room is in a complete mess, a black goo is everywhere in there." I said, to the point. Yukie was panicking a bit (unnatural of her) so I went near her and patted her on the back.

"Good black goo or bad black goo?" Minty asked, thinking, must be related to her magic, knew it.

"Of course BAD black goo!" Yukie panicked again "When have you ever seen good black goo!?" Okay, she was definitely panicking. She knew about the origins of that goo I guess.

"You have anything in mind, minty?" I asked as I had both hands on Yukie's shoulders, constantly trying to comfort her. She was shivering and her face was afraid.

Okay, this is too much. That black goo can't be that powerful so as to scare HER so much. She must have touched it and it has done something to her.

After a bit of cute thinking (Yes, she is very cute when she thinks hard), Minty smiled a sparkly smile and said "I think I can! It'll be easy! Let me make something in the kitchen"

She flew to her hut.

Yukie was shaking. Badly.

"Hey come on, Yukie. Snap out of it." I said, putting one arm around her.

Minty came back. "Okay! I've got what I need~ I'll go deal with the goo. Stay here okay? And DON'T EAT THE CARROTS I PLANTED! THEY'RE FOR PIE!" She screamed cutely and poofed towards the Dome.

Yukie was really shaking badly and I was trying to hold her but damn, it was like an earthquake. I noticed she was constantly muttering something inaudible. And then suddenly,

She stops shaking.

I felt alarmed and scanned her top to bottom. And I saw a small dark patch on her pale skin.

It was growing, dammit.

I stepped back from her, My SyncRay at the ready, Not that I'd blow her away but still I'd like to be safe.

She started floating up, a dark aura surrounding her. Her skin color was changing slowly.

And then a mass of black smoky substance surrounded her with red sparks flying here and there like lightning.

"MINTY!? I COULD USE A HAND HERE! ARE YOU DONE WITH THAT GOO!?" I shouted in my transceiver.

She came flying "Heeey~ I'm done with the cleaning" She said with a smile, looking at me. She saw my confused expression and said "What's the matt- Oh my cookie what is that?!" She screamed, noticing Yukie enveloped in the black fog.

"Basing my judgment on Yukie, not that I judge or anything, I think She's going to turn into a full demon temporarily. All thanks to that black goo. But I'll need to analyze samples If we are going to get to the bottom of this." Realizing I was babbling without doing anything, I shouted "MINTY! WITH ME! NOW!".

Soon as I shouted this, things happened very .... Very Quickly.

Minty flew over to me with such a speed that knocked me over. Holding onto her I activated my shield in an instant, Not caring about my bruised back from Minty's magical impact.

As soon as my shield was up and I was about to do a usual sigh of relief, the Fog around Yukie exploded.

Yukie was standing amidst the chaos of the black fog, floating with black demonic wings. Her eyes a deadly glowing crimson, Her skin hard, charred and coarse. One hand extending into giant demonic claws surrounded by crimson sparks.

A deathly aura around her.

Okay. This is bad.

Though, as much deadly as she seemed, she looked very unstable. As if she'd blast apart any instant. And then it happened.

We heard an unholy scream coming from Yukie.

(I know this is not the time to be logical and all but I must say that referring to the term Unholy, I really mean very unusual. Nothing anti-Divine.)

As Yukie screamed from pain, sparks flying all around her. Something was about to explode and I wasn't sure my shield would put up with it.

"Minty, More shield." She nodded and strengthened my shield with her magic, which, to my relief was somehow perfectly compatible.

"She's in pain .... Can't we help ...?" Minty asked, her eyes fixed onto yukie.

"Nothing I've seen so far can kill her." Minty looked at me with anger "I mean, If something goes terrible, we'll go and help her, okay?" I said, not really knowing how I was supposed to help.

But for now that helped calm down the Minty who was holding on my armor-jacket so hard it was going to tear off.

Another Explosion. Huge.

We Couldn't see anything, because everything went black and then crimson and then the demonic elements slowly dissipated into nothing. But .....

Seems like Minty's farm's been dissipated into nothing as well.

Not caring a bit about what happened to her farm, Minty broke through the shield and ran towards Yukie, tears in her eyes. I ran too.

Yukie was lying on the ground, her body was normal and seemingly unharmed, Her skin was back to normal. But everything around her was in ruins, the armored suit I gave her as well. "Yukie? ... Yukie!?" Minty was shouting, tears in her eyes.

Taking off my jacket I spread it on Yukie and felt for a pulse.

She was alive but breathing dangerously slowly.

I looked at minty "Minty, she's alive. Get her to her room and prepare your "Triage". That healing thing. I'll arrange everything else. And ..... Don't worry about the farm ..." I said.

"TO HELL WITH THE FARM, ED!" Crying still, she nodded and poofed away with Yukie. I stood and looked around.

Damn, the blast radius almost reached Minty's beloved hut ...

I went to ordering the drones to get everything required into Yukie's room..... This was disastrous.

I'm going to kill that father of hers. Whether she likes it or not. Afterall, from what I've seen. He wouldn't hesitate to kill her.

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