Chapter 19

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[Eiden's P.O.V]

I sat in Minty's room petting her for awhile as I thought about what just happened. It was incredible & I still can't believe that it all happened. I'm happy it did, makes my bond with Yuki stronger.(edited)

Though I didn't think she liked me back ... how long has she liked me for ...? and does she really like me or did she just say it in the spur of the moment ...?

I have so many questions for her, I hope she answers them. Once Minty was fully asleep I got up & walked out of her room."Yukie where are you?"

Yukie was in the lobby sipping on some tea "Yes, Ed?" She smiled as I sat down beside her.

"I-It's just that I have some questions ..." I nervously said. "Do you really like me or ... not? I mean .... It's okay with me eitherway .... I still get to be with you."

Yukie smiled more"yes I really like you Ed"

I blushed as I looked up "R-really ...? But I'm antisocial, dont understand human emotions as they are .... you're okay with that ...?"(edited)

She nodded at me & kissed my cheek"i find it, as what Minty calls, adorable"

I reacted to that sudden kiss and blushed very red as i kept looking at the floor "Uhhh ....."

"Plus ....I'm not human so .... i don't really know these emotions that well eather ..."

"You have problems with emotions too ....?" I looked at her, seeing a bit of sadness in her eyes. I couldn't help it. I embraced her warmly. "I feel that .... I guess we're in the same boat."

I smiled as she hugged back before Nyaru-Kun tried to join us.

"Oh, Nyaru kun is here" I said as I pet him on the head and picked him up

Nyaru kun wagged his tail as Yukie leaned on me. She seemed a bit tired every though she napped awhile ago

I put an arm around her and leaned my head on hers, it was an instinctive thing to do and it felt .... happy ... Nyaru kun was sitting on my lap looking at both of us.

I smiled & petted him with my free arm till he laid down. This all felt natural

But as always, when we least expected it, we both got hugtackled from behind and our faces hit the table

"Ah im sorry"Minty said panicked after we hit our faces, hard might I say, on the table. I held my face as I looked at her.

"How do i even get mad at you?"

"Come here" I said as i pulled her close to a hug. "Next time, hugtackle from the front"

Minty nodded & hugged back as Nyaru licked us. I then looked at Yukie"your alright?"i asked. she laughed & nodded"yeah"

I nodded & petted Nyaru before Mint ran off with him to give Yukie & I more alone time.(edited)

But this wasn't right .. this wasn't okay ... I stood up(edited)

"Yukie .... I think we both need some time ....I don't think you'd like me in my entirety .."

Yukie looked at me frowning"why do you think so?"she asked(edited)

"Because I don't think I'm nice at all"

She hugged me"you are nice Ed!"

"I don't know ...." I hugged back. "I don't feel i'm enough. plus. there are things about me you dislike"

She just kept hugging me not saying any more.

I hugged back ... i felt this enormous pain in my chest

"i love you Ed"she murmured, I was barely able to hear

"I love you too Yukie ..." But I guess that's not enough

She kissed my cheek"i can tell something is wrong she said with a slight frown.

"alot of things are wrong with me yukie .."

"remember those times we used to sing everyday online?"

She nodded a bit, I'm a little happy she remembered.

"I want that back ... we used to long for hugs like these ..."

"but i'm glad we're together now...." I smiled

She hugged me more"we can sing again & this time we can finally get Minty to join us, she has no excuses to use!"

"sure ..." I smiled wider

She ran off then came back 2 minutes later with a complaining Minty"not even bread could persuade her on this one"

I chuckled & gave Minty bread & Nyaru-kun to hold."sing with us please" I asked her. She ate the bread happily & smiles"ok!"

Finally then, after a long time, we sang together. I had a feeling we were like a family again. Not that we already weren't .... but it felt as if we were completely inseperable in that moment ..... being a scientist i always think there is a possibility of everything but .... it seemed impossible to break us apart ....

After we were done singing, we were all tired for some reason, but really happy ... i could feel it ... Yukie rested her head on my shoulder as minty sat on our laps and Nyaru kun snuggled around Yukie's feet

I sang my favorite lullaby to yukie then ..... whispering ... slowly ...

and when i was finished .... everyone was asleep and I felt my eyelids growing heavy as well ... I just felt so comfortable in that moment .... I was happy ...

We all slept peacefully there .... I'm sure we shared the same dream that night

To be continued~

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