Chapter 9

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After Minty was done playing with Saya, my wolf, I walked to my room. I opened the door and I saw the scariest thing in my life. (i'm a demon, Mind it). I looked and there was black massive slimy substance everywhere.

"Ewwwwww", I cried as I lift my foot up because i stepped on it.

I run to the place Ed said the kitchen would be, to see him eating small sandwiches. Someone could say they were the perfect size for Minty. I run over to Ed, panting, not being able to say a word.

He looked at me, asking what was wrong.

I grabbed him by the arm pulling him quickly but taking care not to hurt him. When we got to the door, I frantically typed in the code in the pad, Ed looking at me worriedly. After I hit enter, the door slid open revealing the gooey room worse than it was when I left it.

Noticing the goo, He grabbed me, pulling me away from the door closing it hurriedly in the process.

"What In The Name Of All The Name Of Artemis is that Yukie?!?!?!", Ed yelled.

"I don't know! That's why you are here!", I said

"We need to get Minty. Whatever it is, I can't pulverize it without blowing the dome to pieces", he said while running.

When we got outside and saw Minty's garden, we carefully walked around but we were really disturbed. She was confused by our face and body motions. Eiden was frantically scanning the perimeter to see if anything was coming.

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