Chapter 7

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[Eiden's P.O.V]

After Blasting off the thing yukie called her dad with my SyncRay. I looked hard at Yukie, absorbing what I saw, completely fascinated by her wings. That was new even for a scientist like me who had invented prosthetic wings. Black, natural, featherless wings like those could only be the result of something out of this dimensional plane. I truly am intrigued. Yukie is not completely human after all, as i suspected.

I agreed to help her out with the collection of natural materials we needed for the dome and warehouse and the farms Minty needed, not that I had anything else to do since minty was asleep and the next thing i was going to do was to make her kitchen, which, required her to be awake and working with me, ordering me around.

As I walked through the forest with my dark-winged partner, ordering the drones to gather the stuff we needed, we saw two red eyes gleaming again in some bushes.

"Yukie. Eyes" I said, not wasting a second and not shifting my eyes from my target.

I Immediately aimed my SyncRay again, in case it was that "father" thing again. I sensed the environment got heavy.

But it wasn't. It was growling.

When it moved out of the bushes, we saw what it was. It was a big fluffy wolf. Cute, I admit, but dangerous nevertheless. I pulled out my Red sword and took stance. Prepared to slash out at a microsecond, I glanced at Yukie.

She .... Was going near that beast, with her eyes fixed, as she was hypnotized, or was hypnotizing, I had no idea. In any case, I shouted my warning.

"Yukie! Careful, I'll jump in if it does anything bad." I warned, but she didn't waver or noticed my warning, she just approached and touched the beast on his head. To which, surprisingly, the beast stopped growling, closed its eyes and sat down, calmly.

The atmosphere, calmed as well.

"I see you made friends." I said sheathing my sword, but still alert.

"Yeah ... Isn't he .... Cute?" She said, her eyes still fixed to the beast. "Well, duh. But it's a native beast. And my research didn't show any mammal life forms here. We need to be alert."

"PUPPY!" We turned around to see a familiar precious bean.

God, seriously, not now, this is dangerous.

A meteor of cuteness aimed directly at the beast fell. And hugged the huge wolf. It was Minty, of course. To my surprise, the wolf played with minty as well. I lowered my guard since the girls got it covered. "Have fun Minty, but be there in your hut in a while okay? I'm making your kitchen, I'll gather the stuff and take some rest."

Minty was laughing and happily playing with the wolf, so was Yukie in her own shy style. I left them and went towards the dome.

As I collected the materials needed to make her kitchen, I thought more about my research showing no mammal life-forms here. Could this wolf be something out of this world as well ..? I checked my radars and it doesn't show my a normal mammal wolf, something is definitely off.

In any case, It's nothing us three can't handle. It's possibly just a nice wolf like that cat minty has, but I'll stay vigilant in case anything comes.

I went on after gathering the materials, got undressed in my room and slept comfortably in my bed. I fell asleep as soon as I hit the bed because I hadn't slept since I arrived here.

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