Chapter 14

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was suppose to be uploaded yesterday but I was gone soooo here it is

[Minty's P.O.V.]

After I stared at the black goo in the container I got Ed, I ran off to my room to try & focus on the thing Ed wanted me to make. I found the blueprints & stole them so he could do whatever he went to do in peace. I set books on the corners of the blueprints on my floor & sat in front of it. I sat there for what seemed like forever & made nothing but really really small versions of the device. I huffed & crossed my little arms.

"Need any help?" Midnight asked while wiggling out from under my bed. I whined & laid down.

"I cant get this right!" I whined & pouted at him. Midnight licked my nose before dragging my rubber ducky over.

"Take a bath to focus" he said purring. I squealed & got my stuff. I put on my fluffy panda bathrobe, my rubber ducky & my fluffy towel to dry off afterwards. I ran towards my bathroom that for some reason it was open when I know I closed it. I shrugged it off, closed the door after walking in. I squealed seeing someone already set up a bubble bath for me.

"Silly Midnight" I thought since he did suggest me taking a bath. I set my stuff down, dropped my ducky into the tub & dropped my robe. I slowly got in then sat down.

I felt two feet around me.

For a moment I felt confused. Then, suddenly realizing, blushing, flustered, about to explode I jumped out of the tub, red in the face.

"ED! OUT! NOW!" I screamed but Ed was supposedly passed out. I dried myself, put on my robe, and looked at the hopeless, passed out Ed.

Heavy sigh, what in the biggest cookie is he doing in my bathroom!?

Opening the door of the bathroom, looking out I made sure no one was there.

Still in my gown, I made Ed, lighter than air, put a towel on him and dragged, well, like a balloon I started floating him towards his own bathroom.

Yukie suddenly opened the door, looked at me, we exchanged looks. My face was determined, she got confused, and closed the door.

Well, I'll sort it out later. This is very explainable.

As soon as I put Ed into his own bathroom tub safely, turning on the bubble bath for him, I changed the water for my own bath and resumed my own bath in peace, well, if there was any peace for me after THAT. This was all a very idiotic experience with a lot of blushes and flusters, mind you.

After an hour, Midnight came "Any better?" Midnight asked as he walked in. I pouted & whined.

"I'm cold when I try to get out." I whined. He laughed & dragged my towel to me. I got up & wrapped the towel around myself. I dried off fast,changed & ran off to find Ed, If he's out of his bath now. I'm tired of being a kid again, I need my gosh darn medicine! I looked around & eventually found Ed in his room doing his hair.

"Hey Minty,what do you need?" he asked while looking at me. I puffed up my cheeks & poked his side with my staff.

"Did you finish my medicine!" I whined making him chuckle.I hit him with my staff & crossed my arms.

"Owww..... I didn't finish it just yet okay?" he said rubbing his side. I huffed & glared at him.

"If you don't hurry up in making it then I'll never be able to make the thingy you want! And reminds me, Dizzy or not, Don't you EVER come into my bathroom. EVER again." I shouted before leaving.

"It's not a 'thingy' Minty! Its a pure crystal prism! .... And when did i enter your bathroom? HEY!" He shouted as he chased after me.

"Well you won't get it because all I have made are tiny versions with my tiny magic. And you fell asleep in my bathtub I had to get you out. And put you back in yours" I huffed red before trying to reach my cheesecake. I whined & sat on the floor pouting while Ed sighed & gave me the cheesecake.

"You sit & eat like a good Minty & don't leave the kitchen while I finish making your medicine. And ..... No one needs to know about that ... okay ...?" he said. "Yukie saw." I said casually, knowing i'll explain it to her. "Seriously ..." He facepalmed with a red face, running off. I ate happily as I watched him run out. His expression was priceless! Serves him right hmph! And I guess if me having side-effects interferes with his work then he'll get right to work, I have an advantage now whenever I need medicine for my magic side effects. I sat there patiently while eating my cheesecake with a purr.

"Oh Minty ..." Yukie came in and saw me. She looked at me, my face was determined, she looked confused and shook her head. "Ugh, um ... nevermind. Where is Ed? Yukie asked. I purred & smiled.

"He's finishing my medicine, why?"I asked. She patted my head & smiled a bit but she looked a bit flustered. "And if you're thinking what I was doing floating around a sleeping towel-wrapped Ed, he fell asleep accidentally in my bathtub. I was getting him out." I said casually, without a moment's hesitation.

"Uhhhh ......" She closed her eyes, trying to shake off the image. "I'm off to get that ore he wants, I've been preparing before I would leave. I wanted to let him know before I go. You take care, okay Minty?"she smiled and said. I nodded & hugged her.

"Stay safe & he should be wherever he started to work on my medicine." I said. She nodded & rushed off. I peeked out right as she crashed into Ed. I leapt out & caught the vial with what looks like my medicine with how the color is.

"Ah!" Yukie let out a cute moe scream. "That was close." Ed chuckled as he got up with Yukie. I chugged the medicine down & shoved the vial in his pocket.

"Yummy!" I giggled out. Yukie patted my head while Ed chuckled.

"Well, I'm off to get that ore." Yukie said before leaving.

"Stay safe & hurry back." Ed said "And ...." Ed took a pause but Yukie interrupted him "I-It's okay, Ed! Minty explained." Ed looked at me in disbelief but then sighed and said "Okay well, I'll be off to work then. See you soon, Yukie. Take care, will you?" He said, to which Yukie went an unnatural red.

Ed, without noticing her color went to his room to probably deal with that goo. Yukie said goodbye with that red face and rushed out. I went to my room & sat on the floor in front of the blueprints for the prism 'thingy' he needed.

While I waited for the medicine to take effect, I carefully read the prints, once I sneezed I knew I was ready. I looked in the mirror to make sure it work. I squealed then easily made the right size for the prism.

"I FINISHED IT!" I squealed as I ran to Ed carrying it.

"YES!" Ed said with sparkly eyes before taking it. He played around with it in his gloved hands before setting it on his desk.

"Didn't think I'd finish that fast did ya?" I giggled out with a smug grin. He chuckled & gave me a slight hug and a kiss on the forehead.

"Yeah, now we wait for Yukie." He said with a smile.

"I'm gonna make ramen." I said as I wiggled free from the hug & rushed to my hut kitchen. I got right to work on making a bowl of ramen. I made one for Ed too since he was here too. I rushed it to him & watched him leave his work to eat it.

"This is really good!" He said eating. I giggled & smiled.

"Yay!" I said as I ate happily. We ate quietly for a while till we both finished, I went to my room to draw while Ed went to his room doing who knows what.

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