Chapter 17

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[Minty's P.O.V]

After awhile of helping Ed,we made him a few sandwiches & a few things for Yukie. He made her sushi that I refused to touch because fish is gross & I made her some of my ramen. I rushed off & feed Yukie her food.

"When did you become team mom?" she asked before I shoved some noodles into her mouth. I just shrugged & kept feeding her.

"Minty not too much at a time!" Ed said from the doorway.

"Ed, go back & eat, please. Your blood levels are still a bit low." Ami said. I giggled as Ed shuddered a bit.

"I still got to get used to that....." he said as he went back to the table to eat. I giggled more & fed Yukie the rest of her food before tucking her in & running to my room. I drew Yuki & Ed some pictures to help them feel better. My favorite is the one I made of us happily eating our favorite food.

"Cute." Midnight said as he looked at the pictures. I giggled then ran over & put them on the fridge. Im happy to be back to my normal height, I would have struggled more with putting the pictures on the door if I wasn't.

"Done." I giggled out before sitting by the main computer.

"May I help you Minty?" Ami asked. I giggled & smiled.

"I just wanna get to know you more Ami."I said with a purr.

"Alright,well I would like to get to know you more as well Minty" Ami replied. I giggled happily & hugged Midnight when he walked over to me.

"Let's start with you, Ami." I said, smiling, stroking midnight's fur.

"Very well, Minty. I am an AI created by Eiden for the apparent purpose of Managing and operating all his equipment and machinery, including all the structures created by him."

"I'm not asking about thaaaat." I said with a cute smile, stars in my eyes. "I'm asking about what kind of person you are!"

"Well ... I ... What a question ... I wasn't designed to be a person. Though I feel like I should be a person. I feel like Ed's what you call a 'best friend' for me. He has been with me the longest. I have interacted with a lot of people but I think Ed is the most important to me. I'm sorry. I may not have that many thoughts and perspectives about things yet. I'll need time to process, synthesize and collect my thoughts and ... become a person ... to answer your question."

"It's interesting, do you really like Ed?" I said with a smug cute grin.

"Like Ed? Wait ... As in, 'Like' Ed?!" Ami exclaimed. I've never seen a robot voice exclaim like this before. She must be blushing. "I don't .... I don't think I have enough depth to process those kinds of emotions. Anyways, do you know how many kinds of bread there are in the world?"

Did Ami just? Did she just lie and tried to change the subject? I gave her a magical soul. Bread is my life! but it won't lead me off track! But I'll let it pass for now.

Ed came in, he had some papers, sandwiches for himself, and bread for me.

"Oh hello there, are you two talking about something ...?" He said.

"It's nothing! Just some information Minty wanted." Ami exclaimed again, to which Ed looked at me confusingly, his look was ridiculous. "We were just talking, Ed. Thanks for the bread!" I snatched the bread from him and started nomming on it. Ed shook his head and came near the main computer.

"Uh, Hi Ami. Could you bring up the files for the Uplink protocol?" He said.

"Sure ... Here they are." Ami said. He started working.

"Ed ..?" She asked Ed.

"Yes, Ami?" He said. "You're talking to me differently. And you seem distressed around me most of the time. Are you okay? Am I a problem if I am like this? I could reset myself If you want, all the data will remain intact too." She said.

I was watching this with sparkly eyes, nomming on the bread.

"What? No! Ofcourse not. I just ... It's just a bit hard for me. I've been treating you like a robot my whole life since I made you. Now that you're more like a person .... I feel a bit guilty of treating you like that." Ed said, completely losing track of his work.

He must have had this inside him for a long time.

"It's okay! I mean, It's no problem! I mean, I don't have any negative emotions for you, Ed. You created me and It's my purpose. The least I can do is to follow orders. That's what you made me for ... right?" Ami said.

"Actually ... I made you for ... a different reason. A rather emotional one. Though It's irrelevant." Ed said, squaring back up, facing the screen. "You are my friend, Ami. Not a slave. Remember that." Ed said.

How many times did he practice that in front of the mirror? How did he get this good at social interaction? I thought, still nomming on my bread, they were unaware of my presence.

"A ... Friend? You mean that, Ed?" She asked Ed. "Yes, I mean it."

"You're my best friend too, Ed." She said ... happily?

"OKAY LET'S GET TO WORK!" Yukie burst in, red in the face. She was listening apparently. And she's miraculously up and running too.

"Uhhhh Yeah Yukie. Okay, calm down a bit." Ed said, looking confusingly at her. Obviously he doesn't understand what's happening.

I stared at Yukie & offered her some bread, to which she denied. I frowned then went to my room hoping that I won't be needed. I laid in bed & drew a bit before an injured fox ran in & hid under my bed.

"Hey,how did you get inside the dome?" I said looking at it highly confused. I just moved to the corner area & shook. I used my magic to bring him to me & made him a little bed in my closet.

"Your gonna keep it?"Midnight asked. I smiled & giggled.

"I'm going to take care of him till he's better, don't tell Ed & Yukie I want it to be a surprise." I said. Midnight just left & I tended to the little fox.

"Ok Little guy, you should rest."I said while setting food & water by him. I put a night light in there & closed the door so he could rest. Since Yukie & I have pets,I was thinking about giving him to Ed so he has one as well,I hope he likes him.

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