Chapter 13

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[Yukie's P.O.V.]

The last thing I remember is Minty running to go clean the goo out of my room, then everything was pure white. I passed back in and out after that. Once I wake up in Eiden arms but pass out for the last time. Then i hear a door open and little footsteps then I see a child version of Minty.

Child Minty said muffled and static like,"If you can hear .... Yukie, please .... better! I'm ....... the beanie ..... gave me,... love it, a .... big but thats .......... I'm a kid again. I .............. lot of magic to help ......... you, ........ welcome."

It was hard to understand but I got the message she was trying to say. She hugs me and I smile then pass out. I finally woke up needing food so I try to walk but I fell on the floor. I got hit in the head with my wings.

'......oh ya I forgot about those......What are those!??!' I thought looking at my reflection in the domes wall seeing the horns on my head.

As I sat there trying to get up Ed walked in from Minty's room. He quickly ran to me trying to help, asking what I was doing up and (trying) walking around. I look at my reflection again seeing with red eyes and bloody tears come from them. Eiden looks at the wall seeing nothing but our regular reflections, i can tell from the look on his face.

"Are you okay, yukie? What are you looking at?", Ed asked.

"Nothing it's fine I just need some food", I said not looking at the reflection anymore.

"Really? is that all? Do you need help?", he asked.

I nod my head "Yes please Eiden.", I say as he goes and picks me up before I answer.

He carried me to the kitchen asking me what I would like "Ummmmm..... Do you know how to make sushi?", I questioned.

"Yes, would you like some? I can make it.", he said

"Ok, yes please!", I said in a little sister like voice scaring him to the bone. He sits me in a chair then goes to make the sushi, trying to keep his face straight.

Purposely Stranded!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon